
Friday, September 14, 2007

n air training

today is friday which is last day of week.means got n air training..our drills were quite gud 2day :) but we were damn confused by all the turning drills...zzz... including me.

didnt really noe whether the turning drills shuld start with akam mehadapan or bergerak..other than tt our standard quite gud.except tt all the sec 1 dun like to not vely hiong today

then rt is soccer which was obviously kampung soccer as 14 vs 15.but still,final score was 6-0..damn sad for the opposition..they let in goals so easily to kian hee..

then dismissal staff gave us the new water ambassador badge and certificate.the badge seem very kiddy,with the new water mascot on all for 2day..damn tired now


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