
Friday, July 25, 2008


i am a lagger in trigo... take so bloody long to realise the method and rule needed to solve a certain qn to a certain angle or length.... haiz... sometimes i even thought to myself... izzit even possible to solve tis qn? during the test... then after awhile then see they way to it... so end up always waste quite alot of time causing incompletion. haiz.. muz buck up on math.. practise and practise tis week.. b4 math test on thurs was PE... it was the greatest pe session i had for months... miss mr AK.. but then today soccer! yes! our opponent and us were well-matched... they got a few zai kias.. we got lamers talking at the goalpost flooding the then end up i score 1, assist 2! end up victory 3-2~ woots... i scored in the final minute of play...last kik of the scored like stevie g.. although i dun like how scores...and the way he play.. juz ram it hard into the sides of the goal. and oh ya, after the incident b4 pe, i dun eva wan to continue to b in cmc next yr. mayb something might change. might

then friday.. whew bangrah dance save us from science test... so ms g said next week. then training in the afternoon..was quite late for it as i had to arrange the tables in claz single-handedly...then still nid to find yuan lao shi and give her the edusave forms which she forgot..

come down to training sgt major said they already take the dummy rifles out liao.. so go change into half 3 in dnt toilet... the bb players came in and did quite sick and funny things.. lol i didnt really dared to look up.. juz busy doing my boots.. but can hear them..

learn the remaining of the advanced drills... i tink..sea games, tamil and suicide salute.. but still got the advanced advanced ones... i tink is for AI de... woah.. i tink the sgts are doing saturn and jumbo... sgt HY is gay! lol do jumbo like nobody's business... throw so many times so steady.. always catch until damn zai... lol they playing "reach out for the skies" for PDS song... 1st drill: peacock... for me and lwj... then pungfoo, balancing, stupid, momo and pipa... then go for orienteering... so sad... lol ran 16 rnds.. next tranining gonna run 18... and sgt yd was damn funny... sgt yh told us to try and run 2 rnds in 3mins.. tts gay.. and sgt yd said if we manage to do so, he would gif us 1 of his porn library...LOL.. he said u see my porn library already, u would wan to play wif ur joystick... lol something liddat... i didnt understand it at nvm if u vgjh shuld get one of sgt yd's porn library! haha he damn zai run 2.59 mins.. congrats.. after training tth told me tt after pipa is champagne then some other drill... so sad.. they learn b4 we do he say no ramesh.. so sad...

Monday, July 21, 2008


mr teo said alot of us were looking very relaxed even though common test is juz arnd the corner.. he muz b kiddin... well mayb to some of us...

spammed with chinese hw, spammed with english assignments... spammed with math class test, spammed with projs tt all seems to have a deadline of 31 august... bio journal... haven even start and we r supposed to hand up by this week...majority of the class has juz started or not even touched it oso.. orienteering... PDS... we arent super humans... how can we squeeze in so many things into 1's brain? damn cham... the only thing tt has finally come to an end is proj work, well at least when we present it on thursday... things are looking very hiong and packed for this month... but i can see a glow of hope after arnd 17 aug... but it would only b for a small moment... as there will be even hiong to come after tt small moment of rest...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Panic Fancy - Orange Range

Yea man! orange range has released another album!

New album from ORANGE RANGE!

Track Listing:
1.Beat it
2.Ikenai Taiyou
3.Sekai World Uchinanchu Kikou ~Shiimii-hen~
4.Kimi Station
5.Soy Sauce VS Petunia Rocks feat. ORANGE RANGE
6.Sunny Stripe
7.Genjitsu Touhi
8.Shiawase Neiro
12.Taiyou to Himawari, Mawari Nanka Ki ni Sezu ni…Natsu.
14.Doremifa Ship
15.Happy Birthday Yeah! Yeah! Wow! Wow!

it was released on yesterday and immediately topped the oricon japanese chart as the #1 album! wohoo... i have only heard some of the songs of the album.... not all.. haiz...

well yesterday had training.... 7 rnds in 12 mins... 200 counts of 8- jumping jacks.... wa training is juz getting more hiong and hiong... n everybody's fitness have also dropped... lol ... long time no run always have some kind of pain at the side... but i was forced to the back once more at the start.... ended up somewhere arnd the middle after quite a lot of ppl fall out and slow down and lag... and tmr another 7 rnds.... this time even worse.... in combat boots.... wooo really testing us to our limit... its shiok as u feel a sense of achievement and accomplishment tt u completed something difficult... endured through the process without giving up. lets hope tmr will be even better for us... but tmr got orienteering practical test.... woah... its quite chim again.... and i left out the qn on compass method... haiz didnt really notice dat when studying... sad case.. so arnd 7 marks gone liao... for the theory test..

Saturday, July 5, 2008

great home-coming!

it was fantastic!! our sales. we finished selling all our ice-creams by arnd 2.30 pm...but the sad thing is tt the majority of the money earned these 2 days will go to paying back our class-tee shirt as somebody lost our $100 voucher, and to give it back to yuan lao shi who helped us to pay for the ice-creams tubs as we didnt have the money tt minus all these things, we hardly earn any money at alll....and 50% of it would even go to the school which leaves us with a pathetic sum left...

homecoming aside, i feel tt our part seems to be showing signs of the past, even though we all not very zai, but we were very united together....which may be 1 of the reasons why some ppl say we r zai as a part... but the last training on wednesday, when we were dismissed, it seems as though we were divided into different factions... orienteering lesson first... there were quite a few chim terms whereby i didnt really understand... azimuth? climb vs detour technique? applying the use of the technique of place counting? hmmm... and then it was pt... endured through it with a tinge of headache once more, at least manageable and better than last time... it was rather hiong, even if i had no headache, i believed tt i would still feel tt its quite hiong...arnd 9 fell out... and some of them were one of those quite zai de... then there was the runnig arnd the school part... sgt jared said tt anybody is slower than him will fall out... then i was forced to the very end again...zzz... my 2.4 timing faster than ur by abit doesnt mean tt i am exceptionally gd....but ur always disagree... then i see ur run also very zai... haiz... so tio pressurized by sgt jared behind me throughout the whole run... his footsteps... then he finally put on a burst of speed when we were already maintaining a crtain constant speed which means its difficult for us to change gear so fast...running side by side with him, then he tell me and hao quan to fall out! woah...i felt quite unfair sia... my speed at tt time wasnt tt bad... even though i was having abit of headache and vomitting sensation again, i dun want to fall out! and for hao quan, he was even shocked...he in front of me mah... then sgt wei xuan said nvm, tell us continue to run if we r ok... so run again... then nearing the track, sgt jared again did something... wa he chionged past almost all of us and the centre guy.... he was in the middle of the pack with only a few metres separating him and sgt yong hwee who was does that mean the whole part would b forced to fall out!?? our speed was somemore quite fast liao lor...

then after tt do jumping jacks 200 counts of would b hardcore... but we do until 40 counts gotta fall in.. relief? mayb.. then weijie kept timing for all the counts of pumpings and sit-ups we do in between long distance-runs... so i decided to help him out in timing as he sounded breathless too.. but he said nvm and cut my timing..ok if ur really fine...carry on...but then fall-in tt time his voice sounding abit soft liao... then i decided to time but this time weijie allowed me, then abra cut me, then jacob cut him...then suddenly the 3 of them like damn unhappy with each other...dun want each other to cut each's timing... i am fine with cutting timing or continuing timing... but not the 3 of them... so ppl got irritated with weijie as he dun allow abra and jacob to cut him, and weijie got irritated with abra and jacob always trying to cut his timing every time... then others add on words to pressurize weijie, say he always cut ppls' timing, yet dun allow ppl to cut his... as i have said of my views:"as long as u r feeling fine urself, u continue the timingif u want. If u nid help from us to take over as timers... i am fine also." so i am not really taking any sides... dun mistake me plz... so the quite a no. of ppl dislike the way of weijie being so damn serious and quite sadistic at times, always giving timing for every single little thing as they say, but really, wads wrong with tt? then weijie is irritated by the ppl who keep blaming him for being unbelievably enthu and giving constant even when we were worn out... haiz oh well... i dun noe wad to say of these....

and on thursay, so sad... ms tan took away my tie without saying a word... i put it on my shoulder as i count attendance and hold the diary with a hand...then suddenly somebody snatched my lucky i am not daryl... he would have retaliated by whacking the person behing who played the prank... if i do tt, gd luck to me...but i lost a tie juz like tt... nvm.. i got another xtra tie de...haiz