
Thursday, August 28, 2008

training... cmc camp?

wow the drills during training was tough... saw stars for the 1st time during drills! argh!!! on the verge of fainting after pumping so much... recover from pumping position and i swayed sideways... hmm dunnoe izzit becoz i took off my specs anot... and therefore become damn blur and affect my mind... well i thought taking off the specs will ease the pain on the area of my nose between the eyes... it was hurting alot there.. felt quite sick on tt day oso.. sad case... lucky nvr fall out... do pt tt time got so many phlegm... kept coughing like ah pek liddat... haiz...the flu bug is here once again! my claz got so many down with flu... and today my nose the mucus flow like running tap at full blast liddat...sad case..

and ya... i tink the sec 2s almost like whole lvl not going cmc camp.. oh well we r tired of such camps... nid to pay $15 somemore sia...i tink at most mayb like 3 person go nia... BA? TT? CS? hmm...waste of time and the holidays only 7 days... not alot.. yet they still want to take away 2 days.. u want plan camp u shuld juz plan it after exams la... tt time got so much much freedom and space.. why plan it juz b4 exams? and wads the purpose of the camp anyway? learn more skills? instill discipline? more like wasting time. i dun see how such camps will be bonding session... u want to bond also bond after exam la.. and i dun see how such camps will help us to bond... juz wasting $15 and wasting time... 谋财害命, 慢性自杀。

Monday, August 25, 2008

Beijing 2008 Olympics are over....

sad case... 16 glorious days have juz flew past so quickly like the wind... gone with the wind.... personally i felt this games have been especially short as compared to the Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004. oh well mayb i was juz too busy jumping and monkeying arnd during those times. u cant blame me... after all, i was juz an ignorant kid tt time... so tis is the 1st official games tt i have followed so closely... and i believe it to be the best among the next few games to come... tis time rnd has juz been too fantastic and marvellous... to the extend tt i felt tt it ended too fast... as i couldnt get enuf of it... couldnt get enuf of Usain Bolt and his antics, couldnt get enuf of Michael Phelps and his last gasp victories, couldnt get enuf of Lionel Messi and his dancing arnd wif the ball, couldnt get enuf of the Brazilian's and Americans' volleyball team, both men and women... from wad i remembered of 2004, wasnt it at least 22 days? hmm... well throughout this 16 amazing days, i couldnt get rid of the names, Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Ian Thorpe, Kobe Bryant, Lionel Messi, Sergio Aguero, Liu Xiang, Asafa Powell, Tyson Gay, Ronaldinho, and etc etc... it was spectacular.... but the sad thing is tt i have to watch the games with much fear.....ENd of Year Exams are coming... homeworks tt the teachers piled on us... we were constantly watching the games and discussing wad we hadnt completed at the same time....

from tis we can see 1 thing, most of the teachers dun watch olympics... k mayb its the case for our class only... especially mdm E.I.... she dunnoe who is Asafa Powell!!! omg...and she has been bombarding us with speech writing and argumentative essay...sad case... still got speech on the topics we had chosen... she gone through so much with the class when we went for Orienteering Com.... both DO and i come back totally blur liao... sad man...and DN didnt even explain properly abt the 2nd draft...humph... 4 more days to holidays... izzit even holiday? 5 more weeks to End-of-Year examinations... oops starting to become so calculating like Mr J.T... oh well if only i had brains like his... then maths no prob liao lor...haiz...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Orienteering Competition 2008

well... we won a silver medal...2nd in our category... sad case... lost to ACS(I)... i tink our timing is the best among all competitors... none of them got a 20 something mins timing so our timing shuld b the best liao ba... but theory-wise... we got owned by ACS(I)...tts wad we was very gud in leading us to all our checkpoints... but he keep doubting himself... but all of us managed to assure and convince him tt he got it all correct... well we didnt noe anything abt mils.. so definitely got 2 qns wrong...

then yesterday had training again... how lame can our class get? they dunnoe anything then keep talking rubbish... keep saying DO forgot to bring his map so got lost in the HQ and thus was absent... then even say we won a silver coz we took the girls' route...yea right....i wonder how they managed to get such ideas... well today's training was Sir A's last one with us...he actually had a kind and friendly side! lol... we were rather surprised and amazed... coz we were normally scolded severely by sir whenever he came down for training..but all his advice and scoldings all only serve to improve us... so we respected sir alot... but we were rather afraid and scared of him... he juz had tt aura and towering figure... i guess tts why we respect him so much...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

hat trick yea!

whew.. hat-tricks are difficult to come nowadays...especially when i seem to always face JC as opposition... won his team 8-4 yeah! i tink its only the 2nd or 3rd hat trick i have scored in cat high... well played soccer today to maintain fitness... later on thursday couldnt take the sudden long distance then die ran quite alot 2day.. hope tt we will do well for tmr's oral n thursday's com

Sunday, August 17, 2008

16/8/08, Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps - 17/8/08

need i say more? tis guy is simply gay, 21 yrs old only...9.68... though the newspapers are saying its 9.69... he still slow down to look at the camera and slaps his chest in joy... at the last few metres he seem to be just hopping... not running forward... but juz hopping forward... abit insulting to the other sprinters.. but u cant blame him... coz his gay! speaking of gay where was tyson gay? oh ya he could not even get pass the semis... sad case... and asafa powell was juz to slow... well they are not consistent... they cant blame anyone...

mikey is another alien.... as in michael phelps... 8 olympic golds in beijing...and he is only 23... provided tt he doesnt retire tt early like ian thorpe.. he could race through his way...cutting through the water at the age of 31 and still banging in the golds... then i tink he would already get 26 gold liao... if he wins at least 6 each in the future for 2012 at london and 6 for another in 2016... 26 leh... tts 17 more than the 2nd, mark spitz...

michael phelps and usain bolt are aliens... they are humans but they come from another planet, another universe...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


before orienteering, i went to toilet to do big business sia.. ran 14 rnds! wohoo! lol... not too bad... but there were times where i had a tiny feeling tt mayb i shuld fall out... as they were slowly speeding up and i was slowly unable to catch up with them. but they notice and slow down abit for me. thxs alot guys (: well we pass the 5 km run... under 30 mins... all of us felt a great sense of achievement.. but the real thing is next week. lets keep our heads down and work towards our best. its scary tt the competition is so near. and DL mentioned tt ncc land has juz started their very first official training. wow ncc land muz be brimming with confidence to start so late. TDH's pair of legs quite cham sia.. after training almost both legs fulls of blisters tt were still "lau zuing" the sight was quite horrible..

anyway, the chinese oral is next wed? heard from the other classes tt it was brought forward from sat.. tmr still got a small little test on matrices? we had juz learnt the very basics of it for a day only!!! everything is moving very fast. and we r only sec 2. imagine the sec 4s' life. izzit only cat high? or the whole of singapore? hmmm

Thursday, August 7, 2008

NDP for our school

reach school at 6.45am but they already fall in liao... quickly went to fall -in and passed up the NYAA... then after tt got the dummy rifles.. and the sgts did the spray painting job to the rifles.. then we practise a few more times juz b4 the performance... and we saw the marching pass briefly... and wow ur were great! even Sir A praise ur... and considering sir's high expectations, tts very gud... then our performance... ppl said it was great! yay baby! lol... the crowd went exceptionally wild when the sgts did rotation arm, sgt HY did jumbo, and us doing the tornado toss and final salute.. it was a great performance!

so CHS NCC AIR has exceled in today's marching, drills and performance! yay man!

lol these 3 days all got play soccer.. and everday score at least 2 sia... 7 goals in 3 matches!
the best was during yesterday's PE. scored 2 goals which were the only 2 of the game. blasted the ball past FL the 1st time, and 2nd time lob over him since he was bending down so low... almost kneeling... hee

then wednesday after training play with JC and IL.. and some land guys... we won 4-2.. JC scored 2, i scored 2... wohoo JC is simply too zai in soccer. dribble here dribble there... lob over our heads and trick us into every single awkward position... u would hate it if his ur opposition...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

PDS fever!

i caught the PDS fever! yay! lol we cant stop to flick our hands and bring our hands to our sides... lol lwj say he during lesson times always waving his hands arnd and his friends tink his got back results for science and maths... zzz sucky man... maths ah.. haiz.... best can only get B3 liao lor... but most lykly B4 or C5... most most likely is not being the latter....over 30 marks, our class like only got 5-7 ppl getting 20 or above sad.. tis week will be a very hectic week as it has already shown.. whole week PDS! wohooo... here are the drills and steps as followed in the performance as they had finally been confirmed:

1. Peacock arm (various salutes)
2. Pungfoo arm
3. Balancing arm
4. Stupid arm
5. Momo arm
6. Pipa arm
7. Champagne arm + Original Dragon Toss
8. Chingay seagull to 2nd formation
9. Sungfoo arm
10. Dolphin arm
11. Original seagull
12. Impact arm (lol sometimes forget tis part)
13. Popeye arm
14. Slapping arm
15. Slow markal to 3rd formation
16. Balancing arm
17. Vertical order arm
18. The Wave (Dragon toss + Tornado Toss)
19. Slow markal back to 1st formation
20. Original Tornado Toss
21. Peacock arm (various salutes)

yea tts shuld be abt it.. hope we wun screw any part up on tmr or the real NDP one..

still got vocab test, geog proj, LE romantic essay, and maths proj....haiz