
Monday, September 29, 2008

music assessment and withdrawal from perak

well...i have just withdrawn from perak...sad case...dun feel like toking abt it much... lwj had the same situation as me...but he managed to get his way due to wad he called"i dun care ah, i juz want to go" well...nth much to say...just tt i wish my replacement,KS would enjoy his time at perak...

today had music assessment...not bad la....when i was not there...fart fart sang by himself...then they said it was damn "nice"! then when i finally came...JK turned fart fart's mic to minimum volume, in the meantime turning mine almost to maximum as i could not sing too loud...later zou yin ah... then finish liao forgot to sing the final chorus...alter abit here and there and we were ok... got a B...not bad considering we nvr even practise b4...they said i was much better than fart fart.... i thought i was only so they are saying tt his was horrible? dunnoe la...they then say until it was really very bad...was he really tt bad? he in choir leh... then Ms CBY said my face and voice like quite sian liddat...said if i was livelier, the group would have gotten an A...well sad case then...didnt get to see CL, shaver, cow and JL perform....had to go liao...but i tink they shuld get quite high la...


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