
Saturday, April 18, 2009


yesterday was kinda depressing.. though PE did cheered me up a little as it has been ages since i played soccer.. assisted the 2 goals.. not bad lah... though outnumbered by 3-7, we still won lol.

then after school was almost shocked out of myself as Mrs Ling called me... oh well.. she had agreed to let us go on thursday... but then yesterday she seemed to have changed her mind... but by tt time some of us already changed and XK had went off to get the cake... haiz...

then during training i was quite nervous and sad throughout... Melancholy... and then arnd 5.15, the NCOs tossed their berets into the air... becoming our seniors, having passed out... insecure? yea..

well i would like to thank our seniors for all they have done for us...

We were lucky to have Staff Yong Hwee as our UDI, for his superb skills in controlling and handling us, knowing when to be strict and when to joke with us.
We were lucky to have Staff Yu Cheng, for his help to us in every area we needed, he was sort of like a UDI to us too..
We were lucky to have Staff Wei Xuan as our PTI, he was the 1 who raised our physical standards to such a high lvl, especially during the Feb period.. we manage to pump so much in 1 shot and still run 10+ rnds.
We were lucky to have MSG Wei Kit and Staff Hui Yang for their teachings on PDS, if not for them, we wouldnt have 2 AIs.
We were lucky to have Staff Yong Liang for his advice on everything.Orienteering and Shooting, though my shooting kinda sucked.
We were lucky to have Sgt Bryan Seah, for his jokes and humour which brought life into training, no matter how sick they are.
We were lucky to have Sgt Rong Xuan, for his ensuring of all our welfare.
We were lucky to have Sgt Garry Mag, for his help and advice in everything. (He was like a friend to a few of us.)
And Last of all, we were lucky to have Sgt Major Benedict, for his great leadership of the unit in bringing us to such great heights!

There are others who have done much for the unit too, but i dun noe them tt well,
Thank You Seniors!

we know some of u will return,and we hope tts soon! Good luck for ur O'Lvls!

back to homework now, crap there is still alot to clear!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

so fast... time flies..

its too fast... i aint having the same feelings as others... nervous...

and ccrap, there is so much homework... and tests! again...oh and past few days we had quite alot of birthday boys, but due to me being too busy, i actually forgot to wish them happy birthday! ... sry! happy belated birthday to Aikeen and Zi Wei!

ah bio test kinda screwed up for me... and the mid-year sounds much even harder.. better buck up!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mid Years are juz 2 weeks away... tt time of the year is getting near again... oh well

and while smths are juz taking their time to upload.. here is the quiz from KS.

1) Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed? how would i noe?
2)How did you feel when you woke up this morning? drowsy? who wouldnt?
3)Who was the last person you took photo with? class photo
4)Would you considered to be spoiled? ME??!! no way...
5)Would you ever donate blood? sure, why not
6)Do you have a good friend of the opposite sex? no...
7)Do you want someone dead? i aint tt bad.
8)What does your last text message says? "Ok thanks alot!"
9)What are you thinking of right now? uploading the schedule...
10)Do you wish someone was with you right now? nah.
11)What time did you go to sleep last night? 12+?
12)Where did you bought the T-shirt you're wearing now? Somewhere i forgot.
13)Anybody in your mind right now? isnt tis almost the same as 10?
14)Who was the last person who texted you? Sgt Major B

15) Tag 10 person to do this quiz:
1. Ken Seah!
2. Dylan!
3. Wee Kiat!
4. Jin Hong!
5. Joshua!
6. Kian How!
7. Wei Jie!
8. Aikeen!
9. Zi Wei!
10. Zheng Qian!

16) Who is number1 having a relationship with? (Ken) Wolfteam haha.. not much idea...
17) Number3 is a female or male? (Wee Kiat) er...let me think...shld be male.
18)If number7 and number10 get together, will it be a good thing? (Wei Jie and Zheng Qian) woah quite a sadistic couple. will take turns to pump and shout at each other
19)What is number1 studying about? (Ken) everything tt i study too except for the elect humanity... his is Eng Lit
20)Number 4 is single? (Jin Hong) yeea.
21)Anything impressive number5 has done for you? (Joshua) tt pervert? keep poking me...
22)If number3 and number6 get together, what do you think will happen? (Wee Kiat and Kian How) do they even noe each other?
23)Describe number 9 (Zi Wei) oh tis is difficult... studious.. almost as short as me, muscles bulging at his legs... haha.
24)What will you do if number6 and number7 fight? (Kian How and Wei Jie) it would b damn funny... they can only tease and joke each other... they are too humourous..
25)Do you like number8? (Aikeen) yeah, who doesnt? he brings life into our class..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

i played pool for the 1st time ever! in real life! although i tink i kind off annoyed 1 of the SC heads.. sry! we didnt pay to go in... and i won my first ever pool game in the end! lol...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

10.58mins... bloody hell... tis will be my timing for tis yr's napfa... crap its juz 1 sec improvement from monday's run.. still couldnt break through 10.50mins.. sry JZ... for constantly boring u with the very boring life tt i lead..

and the homework is piling up again.. the amount added up together might juz be taller than me.. juz jk...