
Friday, April 25, 2008


many ppl in the lvl and class are slowly changing.. mostly turning into the darker side...or rather the character is changing into a negative one... tis seems to be the point where ppl would decide whether to choose to work hard or slack off... characters are slowly changing also...dun understand the cause or why are they doing it... sure u can change ur own character... but dun try changing others...if they want to change, they would....if they dun, it doesnt mean u have to try and force them to do so... if u dun like it, den juz siam la... unless u simply juz like to make negative comments...

why cant ppl juz remain like they were in sec 1? last yr, everybody seem so innocent, hiding no secret and carefree.. we joke, we eat, we talk and play together.... the last 1 is slowly going out of sight.. tt i can understand.. but the 1st 1... ur cant seem to be able to take jokes anymore...nor do ur crack any now...once a blue moon... ur cant seem to seem the humour in jokes anymore...take everything so seriously... instead when ur supposed to be serious, u play a fool...diao.. wad u trying to prove?

and a particular person is changing so much... or rather u r showing ur true form or nature now... nvm shall not try to change u if u want to continue tis way... ppl are getting sick and tired of ur ways now... everybody is starting to edge away from u..yet u still continue.. u shuld sense something by now...we r irritated by ur attitude wad if u r smart... if ur attitude sucks, ur character stinks, u have no discipline...u r nothing...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

bb match

lol damn unlucky...came to school with shoes and socks drenched... same goes to jes and si jian. therefore the 3 of us were walking arnd without our shoes and socks, look damn cool...then everybody thought i was going to do the same for PE lol...

b4 PE had maths lesson, once again got class test...with JT arnd, there would be at least 3 class test per week...or it mayb coz the mid-yrs are juz arnd the corner? lets hope tt its the latter, if not, gd luck to us for the next semester.. he is a gud teacher, but too many tests also not really too gd for our brains...

recess time, heard tt a few ppl got suspended from ncc air training...omg...tis spells trouble for our part..will this be the thing that trigger the start of detentions and suspensions for the cadets in our part? or will tis be the 1st and last one? the latter seems impossible...juz a dream...we seem to be going into the same path as the sec 3s did in last yr...plz plz plz...everybody shuld be putting in effort to improve the part, not do stupid things or things that would get u into would do nothing but only drag u down...and the part...

then after school went down to TPY sports hall..haha saw joanne..xj was damn seeing a lost to RGS 56-48? not too sure forgot the score

and it was finally the boys' B our school team has nvr fail to dazzle me with its sizzling display...if they are tall enuf to dunk ah, whew...think of tt man! this yr's team seem to be alot shorter than the ones of last yr...but it managed to win with a higher score...damn pro... look like a NBA score, if the opposition had been better...our school team's favourite pastime seem to humiliate other school and thrashed them, whipping their ass lol...

haha then going home tt time saw LWJ at the cat high bus stop...he went up into the bus me and xj was taking...he juz finished his drama assessment.. lol then we told him we saw his sweetheart! then he and xj start to have an argument (clouds and meng) should noe wad its abt...hehe..

p.s (soulsconstruction) if u see tis, better dun spread arnd...unless u want everybody to call u KPQ again...hehe..

Friday, April 18, 2008


training! today quite satisfied by my own performance...but still abit unclear abt seizing up drill...the command is damn long...nid to clarify and practice it with others liao...

aeromodelling, mr yip let me fly own my own! the sensation is quite nice, but i got nervous abit as y hand was trembling (for some reason, my hand always shaking...Parkinson? lol)..therefore, the plane sometimes took a dip!! almost touch the floor...hehe then see ic ernest fly on his own..whew.. so zai damn steady not even shaking... wonder if i should be flyer or mechanic... i am the only 1 who flew by myself in my group, but then i felt very dizzy and giddy after everything..the process was ok...

then had drills, became the ic...always give berhenti on wrong leg, lol..sorry guys...but when i give berhenti while they hentataki, they always give me solid bang..hehe its marching thats the prob..coz they like marching too fast

then very disappointing...out of 15 ppl in the whole flight of 2-6ers to 2-8, only 6 was left standing at arnd 11 something...then doing pumping, it was decreased further...left 3 only, me, xk and abra... some of them seems to be falling out to slack, in fact most of them...fall out liao, sit down and chit chat with a smile on their faces, tt shows tt they arent feeling much pain, so wad for fall out? the standard of the whole part juz keeps wasnt hiong at all, juz tt the difficult part was C and C, had to keep our nerves, still nid to maintain welfare lol, so why are we all dropping like mad? a lot of them dun seem to care abt cca anymore, they come for the sake of not getting pumped or kachiao by the ncos or sirs. some of them now even voice out openly say they dun like some of the new current ncos... "dun like their face, damn qian bian" wad kind of stupid reason is tis? are they trying to drag the whole part down? some others show attitude to ICs coz they were friendly with each other when we were sec 1s. see the result of being friendly with ur juniors? nic wee is doing tis exactly...being so friendly with the current sec 1s...not tt i mean shuld be hostile with them, but muz draw a fine line between being friends or senior

today's training not very hiong, yet senior sp asked "u sure" to me when i said it was ok? hmm when we were under him, there were more hiong times? ok mayb today coz i feeling superhuman...for some reason today feel them refreshed, was quite loud somemore, even though i had sore throat...muz keep tis up!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


lol... my class ended up 3rd for the competition...almost didnt even manage to make it to the finals... our score was the same with 3 other classes... but the judges decided to let us be in the finals, together with 2-1 and 2-4... our score was 23/40...same as class 2-5 and 2-8... then 2-1's was 27/40 and finally 2-4 was 33/40

so obviously u noe who was the favourites... and the won it in the end...owning mine and zhengjie's...

2-4 31 votes
2-1 14 votes
2-6 8 votes 1st i thought nobody would even vote for my class.. then mrs bernissa loh was the 1st to vote for us...then i thought only 1... then near the end all 7 other teachers juz came to slot into my boxes...

but to prepare for tis 30 mins, we took 3 afternoons.... wasted so much of my time...almost didnt complete hw... completed them at the cost of not studying at all for all the class tests...damn end up all the results always average nia...if only i was a nobody..

juz for 30mins...somemore i doubt we will get anything in return...even if got, its for the whole class...coz we are Class management Committee... isnt tis too big for a sacrifice?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

2.4 test and POP

thursday ran 2.4 test....on the day itself, mr han then inform us tt we would be running for the actual and real test on tt timing sux.... 11.10 mins.. even worse than my sec 1 means sec can overtake me liao..damn sad... and therefore as a result of it, i doubt i would retain my Best PT award...unless everybody all deprove, juz like me...if they really do, then its mr han's fault... practice makes perfect...and he only made us run 2 timesa... rubbish... mr koh is much better... 1 day run 2.4, the next slack the whole way, playing soccer or learning skills for tracks...

then POP was the day b4 the 2.4 run... received my award from sir teo lol...then on the day b4 POP, he recognized me! i didnt wear my tie and walked to toilet during the 5 min break, then saw him and i bowed...then he say wheres ur tie, chairman? lol i thought all teachers dunnoe me de lor... teachers always address me as the "small guy over there"... then sir teo surprised and shock me... back to POP...i tink tis is the 1st time ever tt 2 persons are sharing the same award...ivan and me... omg his 2.4 timing test for sec1 damn pro... he 10.45 mins! i 10.50 mins only....wonder how did i get the award next yr if i were to get it again, it would mean tt ivan had deprove in his 2.4 also. and i doubt he would i dun tink i will get it next yr ler...sad..

then our MSGs,Staffs, Sgts all passed sad...shall miss ya... ur will scare the daylights out of me when i 1st join ncc air... ur standards were far too superior...i seriously doubted that ur were normal...i doubt we would be able to reach ur standard...and somemore we were handpicked through trials for tis cca...

shall miss senior sui peng especially... u guided us through the 1 whole yr and helped us through all difficulties...even though we were idiotic and rude at times, u forgave us didnt tink much of it..but our standards has dropped somehow...damn inconsistent... some times we can be damn gud... even better than the new batch of ncos...then other though all or energies and life had been sucked out of us... mayb its the recent stress and busy work... cat high is damn hiong la...

haiz anyways....bye seniors...shall miss ya...i hope that we would be able to bring CHS NCC AIR to greater heights...especially when we take over...and we would always show unity...we already are showing it...unlike some other lvls... they seemed to be separating into different sections and scheming the downfall of the another...haiz nvr mind... bye seniors.. gd luck for ur studies...

Thursday, April 3, 2008


wont be posting much...wouldnt be going on9 tt often either...sad case

and today ran 2.4 km

my jaw dropped...deprove again.... 12 min...and the fastest is obviously joel again... he got 11.20 something i tink. weijie still say my timing gud.... say his best timing was 11.50 mins. i dun believe him lor. he so zai de. ppl who know him wouldnt either, i believe. haiz, mayb coz mr koh better, keep making us run 2.4 last yr. then tis yr got mr bernard han. he is gud, but he is treating his students like pri school of teaching also.. so far tis yr he only make us run 2 TIMES! whereas weijie class already ran 6 or 7....