
Saturday, April 12, 2008

2.4 test and POP

thursday ran 2.4 test....on the day itself, mr han then inform us tt we would be running for the actual and real test on tt timing sux.... 11.10 mins.. even worse than my sec 1 means sec can overtake me liao..damn sad... and therefore as a result of it, i doubt i would retain my Best PT award...unless everybody all deprove, juz like me...if they really do, then its mr han's fault... practice makes perfect...and he only made us run 2 timesa... rubbish... mr koh is much better... 1 day run 2.4, the next slack the whole way, playing soccer or learning skills for tracks...

then POP was the day b4 the 2.4 run... received my award from sir teo lol...then on the day b4 POP, he recognized me! i didnt wear my tie and walked to toilet during the 5 min break, then saw him and i bowed...then he say wheres ur tie, chairman? lol i thought all teachers dunnoe me de lor... teachers always address me as the "small guy over there"... then sir teo surprised and shock me... back to POP...i tink tis is the 1st time ever tt 2 persons are sharing the same award...ivan and me... omg his 2.4 timing test for sec1 damn pro... he 10.45 mins! i 10.50 mins only....wonder how did i get the award next yr if i were to get it again, it would mean tt ivan had deprove in his 2.4 also. and i doubt he would i dun tink i will get it next yr ler...sad..

then our MSGs,Staffs, Sgts all passed sad...shall miss ya... ur will scare the daylights out of me when i 1st join ncc air... ur standards were far too superior...i seriously doubted that ur were normal...i doubt we would be able to reach ur standard...and somemore we were handpicked through trials for tis cca...

shall miss senior sui peng especially... u guided us through the 1 whole yr and helped us through all difficulties...even though we were idiotic and rude at times, u forgave us didnt tink much of it..but our standards has dropped somehow...damn inconsistent... some times we can be damn gud... even better than the new batch of ncos...then other though all or energies and life had been sucked out of us... mayb its the recent stress and busy work... cat high is damn hiong la...

haiz anyways....bye seniors...shall miss ya...i hope that we would be able to bring CHS NCC AIR to greater heights...especially when we take over...and we would always show unity...we already are showing it...unlike some other lvls... they seemed to be separating into different sections and scheming the downfall of the another...haiz nvr mind... bye seniors.. gd luck for ur studies...


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