
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

freaky hell....

i thought i lost my tie when i came to school today....zzzz..coz i cant find it in the usual compartment.... then flag-raising morning tt time irwin keep looking at me lol...and laughing...he always seem to be on the lookout for see whether i have my tie on anot...then if not , he always smiling at me pulling at his collar...(u shuld get wad i mean)

then in the end, i found it stuffed in another tiny i didnt remember putting it there...or did i? amnesia...haha lol

then i found tt i lost my 30m rule...and i thought i lost my foam eraser also....then in the end also found it in my handbook....why is all tis happening to me? cmc table always messy with others' forms or hw to be passed up,thus hiding all my stufff..... ahhhhh i remeber those gud old days when my desk was damn bloody tidy....those were the many things to remember luhhhs....

then i forgot to even touch the class diary from the pidgeonhole....omg....for 1 whole day and the 1st...i ve completely forgotten abt it... didnt even notice tt it wasnt with me until i was walikng towards the bus stop outside school... sad

tmr got long jump somemore...zzz...can only go for cca later...haiz...will miss abit of pds again...sad


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