
Monday, September 29, 2008

music assessment and withdrawal from perak

well...i have just withdrawn from perak...sad case...dun feel like toking abt it much... lwj had the same situation as me...but he managed to get his way due to wad he called"i dun care ah, i juz want to go" well...nth much to say...just tt i wish my replacement,KS would enjoy his time at perak...

today had music assessment...not bad la....when i was not there...fart fart sang by himself...then they said it was damn "nice"! then when i finally came...JK turned fart fart's mic to minimum volume, in the meantime turning mine almost to maximum as i could not sing too loud...later zou yin ah... then finish liao forgot to sing the final chorus...alter abit here and there and we were ok... got a B...not bad considering we nvr even practise b4...they said i was much better than fart fart.... i thought i was only so they are saying tt his was horrible? dunnoe la...they then say until it was really very bad...was he really tt bad? he in choir leh... then Ms CBY said my face and voice like quite sian liddat...said if i was livelier, the group would have gotten an A...well sad case then...didnt get to see CL, shaver, cow and JL perform....had to go liao...but i tink they shuld get quite high la...

Friday, September 26, 2008

homework...tio spammed...

the teachers keep giving hw.... do until dunnoe like wad liao...we really need a rest...

and for the 1st time eva! Mr JT was stumped by a qn! i tink he do until sian and especially the whole rejuvenation class was so noisy... his face damn sian and tired liddat... then he saw the qn...stared at it for like 15 secs...then said how to do tis? tio shocked man...i didnt noe tt such a sentence could come out from him...and surprisingly, i knew how to do! fart fart also got the same ans... and so fart fart went to said out the 1st step...then Mr JT like regain his powers...

also got alot other things on my mind...Perak Expedition....mayb Lwj and me will have to withdraw from staff wk said it would very like clash with PDS...sad...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Aeromodelling Competiton 08

well...the results were disappointing... but we were at least hoping tt JC and AM would sneak in and steal a 3rd place position as they had gotten full marks and a great timing...but it was not to b...if i list out all the injustice tt we got through the competition, it would b too i wouldnt elaborate much.... but overall we learnt lots from tis competition...but i seriously doubt whether we can apply it for the next all the mistakes we commited were not due to our fault, but somebody's else...or rather a group off ppl... nvrtheless... we would b hoping to do better 4 national com... especially JC...since he had been training so hard...and he is damn gd in flying the plane!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

hws and hws loads and loads of it...

tmr aeromodelling competition... JC and JT said tt it would b from 1pm to 6pm....tts kinda long... and we dun have much idea on how its gonna be.... are we going to fly once or many many times? as in take the fastest timing? or see which team proceed the furthest to the finals? well tis mean tt we wun b going for training.... :( .... they are gonna do advanced arm drills again....later they learn new drill ah...

ok off to doing hw again...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

camp feast

back from camp feast....not tt bad...quite fun...but we r all afraid tt when we come back will have too much hw....

well tis camp was quite exciting in a sense, for the the night was damn exciting for xk and ry..want to find out more? ask DCGH....get the exclusive news from him man...he slept at the bed beside theirs....

then the CLTs also not tt bad....well mayb for me only...tts how i tink...

Friday, September 12, 2008

english speech and advanced arm drills

well today had english speech...its our 1st time attempting at tis component and being judged by a teacher...well and i used to tink wad ivan yak was doing in a classroom with only a teacher a few tables initial thought was tt he was presenting some ideas regarding the school to the well today was the 1st from my group to be tested.. tink i fared fairly well...might have a chance at getting at least 30 i tink...THQ said his impromptu qn was screwed up....and he did horrendously terrible for idea..but he said the 2nd of the 2 qns asked goes like tis:

mdm J: Do you have any family members that was a criminal previously?
THQ: no....
mdm J: thank may go...

and YXJ's was also quite cham...he finally finshed preparing his cards but only when mrs TT was abt to arrive liao...i did a trial run with him...and he ended up finishing his speech at 4.17mins...which was 1 min more than the time given...well he might have gotten off scott-free as mrs tt didnt time anybody..i she didnt do so for me...

well enuf of to training...learnt a number of advanced arm drills....wonder if there are much more...well quite interesting i have to say...gotta form a U-shape b4 staff YH taught us the drills... but the command for executing us into forming a U-shape was very chim and long... and we gotta know it for mutuals...which mean killing a few more brain cells again...looking back at the time when we racked our brains to learn PDS and doesnt look too difficult as we had thought initially when we 1st learnt...but we didnt learn it in a few days or weeks..we learnt it in arnd 3-4 months... so judging from guess is tt we would also nid a few months to get the grasp of mutual...which sounds very chim...well PT was exciting...ran 10 rnds on the track with the rifle...woah...for the 1st 6 0r 7 rnds, we gotta run with the rifle at least at the height of our rather hiong...then after play a game with the NCOs...a challenge to us to be able to keep our rifles throughout the whole of PT....

seriously gotta admit i quite suck when i run with the company of a heavy object as shown during tis training and OT...when we had to carry 2 1.5 litres bottles filled to the brim with water...well we have gotten over another important chapter in sec 2...english speech...and we can finally focus back on the basic foundation, compre and summary, now..and also narrative essay and unseen poetry...well tis yr had certainly gone by very fast....with all the ups and downs...and we r nearing the final league...presss on! its only a few weeks more...and we would find tt our work has been worthwhile...if u didnt even try..u will nvr know ur potential...and thus will regret not trying...dun always be so pessimistic..though i tend to be one at times as well....

its the final league of the yr! the final countdown...19 more days to our End-of-year examinations... approximately 6 more weeks to o levels... gd luck to all.... the friends out there... and the seniors who had guided us through the past 2 yrs... (:

Monday, September 8, 2008

school reopen...

whee today got pe! and its like almost one of the best session i had eve had... it was damn funny also! but its not at all amusing in the end...starting my team play quite shitty lol... but it was damn fun.... with LMY arnd...and his funny "tricks"...hehe...well as the match slowly goes on, we gain momentum and bang in goals and goals... from me! mainly assisted by EK...he scored 1 himself, while i scored a score: 4-1...whee! the 3 goals are kinda different from each other... 1st was a one-on-one situation which i normally able to convert...2nd was a mistake goal-kik by their goalie...cleared to me... since he is out of position..juz shoot...weee...and back into the net it went! it was quite a distance away...abt 25-30m bah...the last was a nice one...nice passing and set-up leaving me to going clear and juz tap it in as FL, also known as bert bert rushed out... whee!

then had lessons...not bad...but still got some homework...which add up together with today's quite alot....and of all things...i lost both my geog books...sad case...and the exercises mr Pn told us to do!!! i had almost completed them all somemore! eee...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

wun b posting much more...

things are breaking apart or breaking down... things tt has been with me for quite a period of time...gone through quite a no. of memorable events.. specs! it broke into half! argh.... ok not exactly halves... it broke at the part near the screw or rather, junction... so there goes my specs... and of all things, it broke when i took it off during the night as i wanted to go sleep liao... tio shocked man... suddenly juz drop off... so got a new pair of specs... looks kinda weird on me... seems to fanciful... but no choice... it seems to b the simplest model that they have.... others were even more scarier!!! got holes here and there, and all kinds of stripes and logoes...

then my handphone.. its battery seem to b getting faulty liao... cant even last a day anymore... and i didnt do much with my hp??? at most a few smses like 5-10? like tt also use up so much batt? nah dun tink so.. so basically gotta charge it almost everyday... troublesome... in the past... i could have charge it at most every weekend only... not everyday... its record was lasting through 22 days! b4 it said battery low.. then i charged it.. nvr even let it go flat... now? it cant even wait for me to charge it... it goes flat b4 i take out my charger.... sad case... 1 year and a half liao.....almost gonna be 2 yrs...

and dun tink i will be posting much more for tis 2 months... mayb one or two post at most... and dun tink i will b checking much.. mayb after exams ba...till then..tata

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

sept holidays...not much slacking...

as the holidays go by..i gradually remember and recall tt there is much more hw than i had thought of at 1st... and my pace of doing hw is damn slow... have been doing chinese for 2 days... almost 3 liao... oh and i finished some tuition ones...

then juz finished watching forbidden kingdom... lol bloody lagger.. although it is not tt bad...neither iizit tt gud.. i felt tt it was rather weird... almost the whole cast were chinese and are from china (in a sense) xcept for tt american...jason tripitikas?(sry if i spelled ur name incorrectly, no offense) yet they filmed almost the whole movie in english... Wads Tis?!! lol copy lwj...hehe.. well the guy acting as jason seemed to b trying veli hard to b funny.. and he failed quite my mind (coz mayb there r some crazy baboons out there guffawing like sh1t...)

argh holidays...yea right...