
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finally...Final Year Examinations are over...

even though its over...i got a weird feeling in my heart and my mind...i cant seem to pinpoint the trouble... but it feels as though i have not completed alot of things... and i juz dunnoe wad izzit...i have got a weird feeling tt it would b juz like tt until i end my education years being in schools...and tt is still a long way from now... hmm... my words doesnt make sense to u? nvm it doesnt seem to make sense to me much either...i juz cant seem to spot the problem... but there is something tt is troubling... and i tink it wun juz end anywhere near now... its juz tt unaccomplished feeling... dunnoe how to describe it... seems as though i havent complete something important... juz yet... even though i have completed wad seemingly to be the most important papers tt i had done for the yr...


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