
Friday, January 23, 2009

although it has been seemingly quite short, but the time has been quite enjoyable... mainly due to the fact tt all the OALs were quite nice... though there are a couple of extra 1s... i dun mean those who slacked... after all which OAL nvr slack b4 for any period of time? so last prj gonna be the next sec 2 camp... the Burst camp was damn slack for the sec 1s... no drills no PT no nth... only initiation mass and sleeping for them....the whole camp is like only 15 hrs... not even 1 full day... nvm...

but the OALs from our class quite heng... nvr miss any lessons to go down at 1.50 p.m as we had Bio SPA... :) we cant really afford to miss anymore lessons... then at night did homework from 1 am to 3 am... before finally sleeping at arnd 3.40... at arnd 7.30 went to bathe then come back to class to find my whole compre and summary paper gone! which i left on my table... only the summary draft is left there... damn shocked... i have been doing it from 1 am to 3 am for nth?!! then luckily during 1st lesson zw returned me... or i would have been staying up during the night for nth... next time anybody want to borrow anything from me, plz ask me or use it at my place! dun bring back to urs... plz!

and the amnt of homework given to our class is like siao... enuf to b 1 month's worth of holiday hw liao lor... zz...


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