
Saturday, February 28, 2009

woah March liao? 9 more months to chinese o'lvl...

CIP as Post Exams celebrations

not bad ah... its like the best CIP i ever had. but didnt got to go watch movie with the others! so sad... coz of tuition... how sad. also finally hit double digits for pull-up... sry for not waiting for u JY and GL!

am i going shorter or wad? seems like so many people are taller than me now when they were shorter a few years back. well i guess they got their growth spurt... where is mine??! or mayb coz i cut my hair. haha! oh well.. today played abit of bb and soccer.. being rusty in both... tried so many 3 pointers but all fail... only score manage to score 2 in the end...

oh and the disgusting thing is that my hear is still leaking... bleahh... yesterday training ran with rifle also felt it leaking out... so today played bb and soccer also leaking out...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

quite a lot had happened over the past few days... considering my normally boring life..

- Common Test ( prefer not to call it mastery review)
- 1 more to getting double digit for record no. of pull-ups in 1 shot (wohoo, finally)
- Ear infection (eeerrrrr...)

did quite badly for certain qns in the past few tests... noe the formulas and answers but sub in the wrong value... how sad can it be? they shuld juz extend all the papers to 1h or more... why not?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

End of OAL.

took the same group again... but different ppl... along with BT again... the slacker...haha... my belaying is still not tt gud... the knots still quite blur abt it... but the instructors doesnt seem to mind abt tt... (always thought tt knot tying would b the most important part) anyway they said i sleepwalk in the morning of the last day... or almost... i tink they are pulling my leg... say i wake up and ask nicky butt for powder then spam on myself... yea right.. i qn VG abt it repeatedly and he was struggling to smile and laugh... signs of lying...

and then back to school.. bad start to chemistry... physics not much better either... the chem was full of stupid mistakes... haiz... and now we are bombed by homework once again...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

learning journey

it was not bad... with ppl like quite interesting and enjoyable... and there was the hennah painting.. had a scorpion and the word "handsome" written on my hand by DNSJ... so together with KS, we form "handsome sadist" haha...

and then got the message outside the temple tt CHS NCC Air had gotten 2nd place in BUC... couldnt really believe it... but going through the statistics and competitons tt our unit had competed in tis year... yea it fares pretty well... although there are only quite a few air units as compared to the land...

Sunday, February 8, 2009


stuck at my 2nd 报章报道.... sharepoint is lagging like siao (cant even log onto the page or the links now)... hotmail is getting weird... another test on tmr... zzz...

Friday, February 6, 2009


our class had two SPAs today b4 and after the recess was damn chiong... and then the SPA worksheets all like only did our table of values all those kind... then the structured qns all nvr do... but luckily all the teachers only require us to hand up after school... unlike Sec 2 or Sec 1 whereby it must b handed straight after the lesson itself... and today both SPAs also not bad lah.

then after school had training which was almost entirely PT... it was quite good... feels quite like OT training... juz tt it was better in a sense tt there was no timing (but the speed also quite fast, juz tt OT was almost like sprinting every round)... but worse as we pumped at least 50 after every like 2-4 rnds mostly due to the inconsistent rain... so ran 14 rounds and there was a time when we stopped after a few rnds to pump 100 b4 continuing another 4... there was a lot of pumping and i couldnt help but feel as though i was a pumping machine then... there wasnt much signs of aching or any other things, with only hardened muscles, but juz continue to pump and pump, and all were quite standard! after all the pumpings and running was circuit which i still manage to do 5 pull-ups! by then i could feel my leg and arm muscles were bulging.weeee! and so i have a feeling tt i would get to 10 mins again for at least a 2.4 run tis year, and hopefully beat my previous record. hopefully...

after training got our Total Defence silver badge... juz in time for me i guess... i broke my yesterday... then went home and KOed after dinner! juz simply lied down and dozed off.. long time nvr KO almost straightaway liddat liao since like the last OT.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

short update

notice the dust and cobwebs tt are beginning to form here... well everyday juz pretty much hw...
oh and today is just the start of all the tests... from today onwards everyday will be having test until dunnoe like when? haiz...