
Monday, March 30, 2009

yea 10.59mins... barely made it lol... and my abs still hurt... totally owned by JY... he can stop and wait for me twice and still get 10.53min...

NAPFA is nearing! and there is chemistry class test tmr...

Friday, March 27, 2009

first week of school after march holidays so fast got class test... and today is juz the start of it... in juz the 1st 2 weeks after march holidays, we are like having 5 class tests... (provided tt u take same humans and classes as me) and mid-year is juz in abt 5 weeks time? from wad we had heard, they are simply the killers...

well today was an eventful and packed day.. with so many things happening... had to run 2.4 during PE after like dunno how long nvr run.. argh i was deprived of my 3rd 10mins+ timing by 10 secs... how sad... and as expected JY had improved alot and ran 10.30. however despite the ok timing tt we got, it came at a price... he had stomache and so nvr go for his beloved PT while i had ankle ache.. haha... then after school still got training then continue running during PT... the warm-up was rather hiong.. the effects only come in after a few more mins... was shocked tt i struggled to do a sit-up during circuit at the starting! ah well in the end still managed it through distorted faces of pain.

on fridays, our class always seemed to be the last to be dismissed... and arnd recess that time is so rushed and hiong... then always make me and JY chiong to canteen then quickly eat... (since we are always arnd the slowest during SPA) it was a mentally and physically drained day.. such tt i slept during maths lesson! although it was a free period and almost half of the class was sleeping too lol...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I am getting Sick of this Holiday!

the amount of homework juz keeps increasing as the number of holidays left of March decreases! things are not going my way huh? so far asked two other ppl in my class abt their homework and they say they had completed... izzit even possible? and they say they managed to finish all within the 1st half of the holidays...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

got back report book back.. hmm quite depressing? A disgusting C in a subj that has always been helping to balance my average... and now its pulling the others down? how can? (sry abt the pun, KS. haha) YOUR FAULT JE! lol jk.

and i realise chinese teachers can really forget practically abt the time when they teach? haha.. seems as though it has always been the case... today had chinese remedial and it went on until arnd 3.30 when she say it shuld start at 12.30 and end at 2. lol, it did start at 12.30, though i was late for like 5 mins, but it ended almost 2 hrs later haha... i tink Yuan Lao Shi would have done the same too... though not giving any promise or stating of time.. hehe smart? nvrtheless nvm, the way Ms W teach also not bad, even though she teach very long, u dont feel as though the time is dragging and going on slowly.. for some reason, even during her lesson it seems very rushed despite the fact that she doesnt go out of the intended point or topic..

so monday is chinese oral exam, feeling nervous? yea, for some reason, i am nvr calm when there is oral exams, even though some others might beg to differ. this is gonna be like the worse holiday... up till now only, i am sure in the near future, it can only get worse. homework is damn bloody much, and have to come back to school on 4 days? with 1 or 2 being like a full school day. haiz..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

my arse got whipped

by others' results... my L1R5 got pwned too... JH's was 6... godly! and there is JC too... he got all As, except for a C in 1 of his language which doesnt really matter since he got the other lang A... ya so u get the point... there is simply so many zai kias... and next monday is the Chinese oral... eeerrr...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

got pawned in cross country..haha... congrats to those who are in the top 10s! 0.o i still got a medal...

my posts are getting shorter... hope its not the case for my height also...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the class too zai liao la... cant find a single subj or test whereby not a single person did not excel in it... there is bound to be some.... worse come to worse also at least a couple... demoralizing? yea... kind of... i guess its the same case for the other 3 classes...

and Mrs L is damn strict in marking? especially summary... sad case.... the idea is like already there yet she still dun accept... far cry from lower sec...