
Saturday, March 14, 2009

got back report book back.. hmm quite depressing? A disgusting C in a subj that has always been helping to balance my average... and now its pulling the others down? how can? (sry abt the pun, KS. haha) YOUR FAULT JE! lol jk.

and i realise chinese teachers can really forget practically abt the time when they teach? haha.. seems as though it has always been the case... today had chinese remedial and it went on until arnd 3.30 when she say it shuld start at 12.30 and end at 2. lol, it did start at 12.30, though i was late for like 5 mins, but it ended almost 2 hrs later haha... i tink Yuan Lao Shi would have done the same too... though not giving any promise or stating of time.. hehe smart? nvrtheless nvm, the way Ms W teach also not bad, even though she teach very long, u dont feel as though the time is dragging and going on slowly.. for some reason, even during her lesson it seems very rushed despite the fact that she doesnt go out of the intended point or topic..

so monday is chinese oral exam, feeling nervous? yea, for some reason, i am nvr calm when there is oral exams, even though some others might beg to differ. this is gonna be like the worse holiday... up till now only, i am sure in the near future, it can only get worse. homework is damn bloody much, and have to come back to school on 4 days? with 1 or 2 being like a full school day. haiz..


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