
Friday, May 2, 2008

realised something...

realised i am quite weak sia...all the punishments for me is damn hiong , not sure if it is so for my mind, this is the most hiong training i ever had... if not, then my hand is damn weakk... on the other hand, it might be both...but still, i didnt fall out.. :) phew...dun ever want to break my record of nvr falling out or missing any training..tts wad weijie and i always said to ourselves

then today tio spammed with pds drills...wa learnt abt 8 today...couldnt get it in my brain fast enuf...sad case.. then doing the drill tt time sometimes juz forgot wads the next step...well actually not some ah, it was often..and my hand is damn bloody weak... then i bend my leg also pain, damn diao..then pull up my pants after training found that my knee was bleeding? wad happened? juz keep bending knees only also bleed...mayb its the saluting drills, wow wooo my thigh muscle....

got 19..hmm lets see if i can list all of them:

1 Vertical slope arm
2 Vertical order arm
3 Diagonal slope arm
4 Diagonal order arm
5 Pungfoo arm
6 Slow marker arm
7 Balancing arm
8 Popeye arm
9 Chingay seagull
10 Mortar arm
11 Pipa arm
12 Double right arm
13 Saluting arm
14 Butt salute
15 Marine salute
16 Slapping arm
17 Momo arm
18 Sungfoo arm
19 Modified dragon toss or dragon arm

hmm yeah i tink tts all...did i spell and list all correctly ? managed to remember most of their names... hmm their names all very unique.. but i cant remember some of their steps... haiz muz clarify and discuss with weijie during tuition on sunday hehe..since he so zai and seems to be the only one who seems to be able to learn everything so fast, apart from toh hong... oh well.. and my hand is really weak...after training took HQ's MarkIV,,woo so heavy..tried doing balancing arm on it, struggled to turn it...all those who held Mark IVs, 辛苦了. all of them nvr fall out sia..too zai liao

some ppl simply dun blame themselves.. juz keep blaming others or certain objects or things, but it will nvr be themselves...

and Xj ah, if u want to ask or tell me something, dun hesitate to do so, or dun suddenly cut urself... damn irritating sia...juz tell me, if not dun even start talking...u want to clarify something, juz speak..不要婆婆妈妈的, u aren't a girl...

and something nvr happen..PHEW ah...i guess they didnt find out..i almost forgot also...hehe

AND SOMETHING DAMN EXTRA! Shit man! Student Leaders' Investiture rehearsal is on Wednesday! it will clash with PDS extra training!! walao ehi want to go pds and practise leh...damn got some shit 2 rehearsal somemore! both sessions is from 3-7pm zzz.. why so long for? and its clashes with PDS...haiz..wonder wad will happen


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