
Monday, October 13, 2008

loads of thoughts...

past few days juz walking arnd to help YF collect money for class fund as he feel tt he doesnt have the "persuasive power" tt he claimed tt i have... now left $24 to collect... then he go organize his dream chalet liao... hopefully the school will give us back our homecoming money...

then my mind juz have a lot of things.... especially abt sec 3... its gonna be a hectic yr... far worse than tis yr... might even go into triple... so tt makes it even worse.. but at least gt a gd thing.. i doubt i will be in CMC... juz dun want... the ppl there r ok... especially those in my lvl... so its nth to do with my fellow chairmen... so IL, dun kachiao me pls.... or try to psycho me again... so there will only b a week b4 being a chairman is gone for me...

then there is the subj combination of humanities... tink i killed a lot of brain cells over the past few days tinking abt it... might be in the same class with XJ, JT, DL and ZH... but hopefully not with some others...

ok the holidays are also going to be busy for me... and some of the tasks will be extremely difficult... ok in fact most of it... shall list it out...if not next time forget then die ah... forget any1 sure die...since every single 1 also important...

1. Part B Leadership Camp 25-27 Oct (straight after school ends)
2. HCI PDS 5-7 Nov (tis is hiong man... the requirements... explosive timing... tt sounds scary)
3. PDS AI course? ( provided i pass the selection test 1st..) (11-21 Nov)
4. Aeromodelling Instructor Course (shit.... jialat...i am required to fly...) (27-29 Nov)
5. OAL Camp (1-3 Dec)
6. Some OAL thingy... (last week of Dec)

ok its damn packed... except 4 Dec.... and i am damn scared of aeromodelling instructor course... coz i dun really noe how to fly!!! only know how to fix it when it crashes... die ah... but hopefully wad AM said is true abt the course being not tt hiong as wad the requirements mentioned...

and last of all.. 2-6/08 is gonna be separated... sad case... gonna miss most of u... a lot of ppl has really changed my impression of them over tis eventful yr... majority having changed for the better.. while a minority have not... but taken a step backward... or rather u have shown ur true colors... a certain person isnt tt likeable in our class already.. yet he isnt trying to do himself any favour by being extremely arrogant... even Mr W had his ways of at least letting his arrogant side show... and yet u cant? or rather u dont even try? or u r not smart enuf to do so? u wont get urselves any friends if u continue ur ways...which i believe u would... directly insult the few of us.. yea we know ur results damn zai... but do u have to flaunt ur "zainess" and show off? enuf of saying tt %#%@#!*^&(&^... there isnt much negative words in the dictionary to describe him... his traits simply consist of beyond tt...


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