
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Left Hand Rotation

yea i am learning it... i know damn lag.. but i have always been slower than TH, VG and RC... haha

and since when my tagboard fly down till the very end again? 0.o doing homework at 2am... ZW also haha... he is chionging to finish all then can earlier celebrate... i tink he would b let down... "think" only... as the mountain is really too high...

1 English Compo
3 Compre (2 chinese, 1 english)
2 Maths Assignment
2 Biology Worksheet (Damn Chim!)
1 Chemistry Assignment
The Chinese Booklet
English Resource Pack

the list simply juz seem to go on and on...

Friday, January 23, 2009

although it has been seemingly quite short, but the time has been quite enjoyable... mainly due to the fact tt all the OALs were quite nice... though there are a couple of extra 1s... i dun mean those who slacked... after all which OAL nvr slack b4 for any period of time? so last prj gonna be the next sec 2 camp... the Burst camp was damn slack for the sec 1s... no drills no PT no nth... only initiation mass and sleeping for them....the whole camp is like only 15 hrs... not even 1 full day... nvm...

but the OALs from our class quite heng... nvr miss any lessons to go down at 1.50 p.m as we had Bio SPA... :) we cant really afford to miss anymore lessons... then at night did homework from 1 am to 3 am... before finally sleeping at arnd 3.40... at arnd 7.30 went to bathe then come back to class to find my whole compre and summary paper gone! which i left on my table... only the summary draft is left there... damn shocked... i have been doing it from 1 am to 3 am for nth?!! then luckily during 1st lesson zw returned me... or i would have been staying up during the night for nth... next time anybody want to borrow anything from me, plz ask me or use it at my place! dun bring back to urs... plz!

and the amnt of homework given to our class is like siao... enuf to b 1 month's worth of holiday hw liao lor... zz...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

work work....

still stuck at compo... almost every1 else also... the topic is damn niao...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

could hardly breathe....

jialat.... its only the 2nd week of Sec 3 life... but it feels as though the Final Year Exams are already coming! the homework is damn a lot.... past few days have been sleeping at 1+ am slogging out the homework... but it seems as though there are endless of them! i made them sound like monsters.... lol... haiz... and today i finally finished all my homework...(past few days had teachers forgetting to collect or extending deadline) quite relieved and happy... then pop out out a 听写... nvm did alright for it... yesterday was almost the worst... there was 2 letter writings to b handed up today, 1 HCL, 1 english, another chinese compre and maths ws.... all to b handed in today.... and there was BURST yesterday! then after tt still got tuition... almost died trying to complete all... but i managed it after all! only tt the english letter writing did on this morning... (sheepish)

and after we came back from OAL Sec 2 camp, all of us were blur abt maths... we only missed 1 lesson yet it seemed as though Mr JT had gone through a few days' worth of lessons! it was on surds... haiz.. gotta catch up soon... and theere is hw again today... so i doubt i would appear on9 or post much more... mayb occasional 1s.... juz tt today lucky got 1 maths ws and a chinese compo nia... the latter being required to b handed up on next week :) Mentally Exhausted!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

broke 100!

wee finally got past 100... 110... 43 more to VG's record! lol but our standard had dropped quite abit... we didnt managed to rmb some of the drills at 1st... feels as though ages since our last PDS training... mayb tts why... homework already starting to pile up... and its only the 2nd week! higher chinese and geog had new teachers... the chinese 1 not bad... at least same chinese class as TT and JC. thought we might nvr b in the same class for sec school anymore after being in the same class for like 5 yrs in primary school. but the geog 1... she say she had taught YJC for 7 yrs... ok... but she teached and talked almost at the speed tt is more suited to childcare... nvm we saw see more in near future...

Monday, January 5, 2009

feels great to be without the tie!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

not tt bad...

1st day of school not tt bad... but almost got to a bad start.. hair check... thought i was gonna fail... but they pass me... but then the official hair check on monday... these kind of things also nid "official"...

then gt to know a few subj teachers... and Sir Goh is my form teacher... woah didnt really expect tis... on the other hand as expected, Mr JT is once again my maths teacher...

but bad thing is 1st day of school already got homework... 3-7 even more power.. did a piece of compo and had another compo to complete as homework from wad i heard...

over at 3-8, 2 of my great friends are sitting together! so sad...

and after school training ran 2.4.... whew got back to 11 mins... but still lost out to our 2 PTIs.... by 30 secs... sad case... feels abit weird not to have PDS for training now...

weekend isnt much of a weekend either... doubt next time when spammed with weekend homework can finish anot... haiz...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

i am not going to say u-noe-wad here... seems to common and sounds too cliche... even though every year can hear the countdown or see it on tv... ( haven seen it for yrs....) seems as though tis 1 wasnt particularly tt exciting, shuld b only for me and a few others... for the 1st time ever i aint particularly excited abt a brand new yr... in fact on the contrary... i am the opposite of it... there is the inexpressible feeling in me... a certain fear...

aint particularly looking forward to tmr either, the 1st day of school.... feel as though something bad might happen, or something tt isnt tt gud... ah juz hope tt tis premonition of mine wouldnt happen...