
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

freaky hell....

i thought i lost my tie when i came to school today....zzzz..coz i cant find it in the usual compartment.... then flag-raising morning tt time irwin keep looking at me lol...and laughing...he always seem to be on the lookout for see whether i have my tie on anot...then if not , he always smiling at me pulling at his collar...(u shuld get wad i mean)

then in the end, i found it stuffed in another tiny i didnt remember putting it there...or did i? amnesia...haha lol

then i found tt i lost my 30m rule...and i thought i lost my foam eraser also....then in the end also found it in my handbook....why is all tis happening to me? cmc table always messy with others' forms or hw to be passed up,thus hiding all my stufff..... ahhhhh i remeber those gud old days when my desk was damn bloody tidy....those were the many things to remember luhhhs....

then i forgot to even touch the class diary from the pidgeonhole....omg....for 1 whole day and the 1st...i ve completely forgotten abt it... didnt even notice tt it wasnt with me until i was walikng towards the bus stop outside school... sad

tmr got long jump somemore...zzz...can only go for cca later...haiz...will miss abit of pds again...sad

Monday, March 24, 2008


mdm endang gave me space for rest...phew...she not coming for the whole week from wad i heard...coz of eye least get a reprieve from the presentation of the LE hor mdm endang...我并不是幸灾乐祸...anyway...hope ur eye would recover to its full potential again!! get well soon!

Friday, March 21, 2008

if only...

how i wish i could turn back into a nobody....juz like last was almost perfect for last yr man...nth to disturb me much...i could do my homework peacefully whilst all the others were talking and chit-chatting...i could hear sijian rambling on and on telling ppl arnd me to shut their mouth up and sit down, while i am doing my homework....i could finish all my homework on time with still some time to spare to do wadever i liked...i could hide myself in a corner during talks,class discussion and etc...if not hide myself in acorner doing hw...aaaahh..those were the times....juz thinking abt them makes me droool.....if only....

now i could do none of them....teachers all want me to help them collect stuff and hand in to them...and now i am always 1 of the last few to complete the work...then pass them up...

teachers also expect way too much from us, the chiarmen...they expect u to be almost perfect sia...take note WE AREN'T SUPERMEN!!!! how could u possibly expect so much? bloody helll.... i tink the chairmen do the most work in the SLB of the school de lor....u could argue tt prefect also very busy...prefect do their duties during school hrs most miss a bit of lesson time for assembly or recess...after school leh? they r juz like any bunch of students wad...they r relieved of any duty...

wad abt us? school hrs need to keep taking attendance...check tt the whole class is present during any lesson...pass up works to teachers after school...maintain class' discipline...etc etc ...go for all ptms= wasting time, staying in the school until 10+ pm...then still nid to do our own hw!!! where would u get much time to revise after all these? getting time to do our hw is already quite miraculous... and i am doing double currently....nobody to share the burden with...chairman si jian always busy de, choir choir he even went to italy... sad sad italy also got training...morning practice...then his attendance also irregular de...often ill or family probs...i dun blame him man...but haiz...nvm

if only i could get back to being a nobody...often hiding in a corner of the classs....yessssss tt would be juz perfect!!!! haiz...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

long time no post...

whole body aching....sad case...3 consecutive days of hardcore workout...neck stiff liao,hands and arms aching,fingers trembling(Parkinson,lol). legs muscle all very tense and tight....sit and stand both a torture...not the 1st time liao...zzz...kena saboed for so much things....juz becoz i got 3rd for long jumps last yr doesnt mean i will get it again...yet ur still write my name down...without my consent somemore....vice-chairman post also....sad....end up so busy and tired, more than i could ask for....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

update on homework

2-6ers, if u r coming take a look at tis. dun complete by holidays also can,juz pray dat u would complete them b4 they check hehe,gl,same to me...


vocab (20 phrases)
science ws
NLBA thingy
LE proj
Science proj

signing off, YEOW!!!


neh time goes by in the holidays,only managed to complete a few...then now remember still got some more homework.... break my heart (louis's favourite phrase)

i wondered....

Monday, March 10, 2008

attention all..

its better to view tis blog if u have Mozilla Firefox....recommended nia

IE also can,but quality not very gud

Sunday, March 9, 2008

holidays are here...accompanied by homeworks and projects..

holidays juz seem to be a title for more even more work in my so much homework,its juz tt u wun get the hairdryer treatment until u come back..the pressure is on when u r nearing the end of the holidays when u find tt u haven complete much...


2.the whole of the chinese booklet!!! ouch
3.LE proj on William Shakespeare
4.Science WS on electricity
5.D & T Proj using all sorts of joints
6.Science Proj
7.Music Group work
8.Project Work's project (muz pass to promote to sec 3)
9.NCC Total Defence Silver Project

mayb i haven even list out all,mayb still got...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

morale increased!!!

lol, things started out quite good 4 me 2day,tons better than recently... VINCENT GAN owns sia!!! all subjects so pro lor...1st in his class liao lor... and some more his class is deemed as the best class in the lvlhe every subject totally own me...those subject tt he lost out to me is only by a few marks...he almost every subject got A1 lor:

VINCENT GAN's results:

Math 91!!! A1
History 90 A1
Science 81!!! A1
Literary Expression 71 A2
Higher Chinese 66!!! B3

pro man... chinese somemore get until so high..i almost fail...52... he most probably also 1st in the whole lvl liao... Math,science and chinese beat me lor,own sia...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

being played...

more troubles just flow in to haunt me man...i lost my calculator...ughh... praying and hoping hard that i left it in school accidentally

its as if something is trying to force me to say some swears words,vulgarities,those tt are in daryl's favourite categories... trying hard to hold my record..being vice-chair seem to give me all sorts of probs...

u tell or advise ppl to follow ur orders, they give u attitude and somemore call u go **** off, damn dintei, so when need to do something always almost end up i am the only 1 doing,always involved de...especially with sijian being so busy with choir and family matters,i dun blame him but others view him as a slacker... thus i ended up with so much irrelevant stuff from studies to to find much time to focus on studies?? if i have some difficult prob tt i need time to think over, i dun have the xtra time...i really wonder was there any high o'lvls scorers who were chairmen... juz to earn tt tupid 1 point then do so much things

is it worthwhile?