
Friday, May 16, 2008

quite lucky

hehe quite lucky for tis results all borderline least its an A... those tt i got high As became low A... sad case... 4As 1B...and tt B was almost a C...zzz...chinese is my nemesis.... i think most probably coz my grasp of chinese isnt tt knowledge of chinese phrases, idioms and chim chim words are also not tt much...might even have forgotten some of them ... sad case... for some reason... my class seem to be over-performing for tis term lol... almost all the other classes tio shocked by our results... except for 2-3,2-4 and 2-5 .... well coz they are all-specials class? we r the average class...1/2 special...1/2 express...

then my eyelids were drooping during the last mun leong's haha...dion even told me he dozed off! 1st time sia...the guai kia and hardcore mugger has dozed off... by the term "hardcore", i really mean it... he has no games on his lappie at all, reading bks during all the free time...and he was 1st in class for last yr!! sry mr ng...cant help it...but i didnt doze off after all, but his lesson on the chim chapter for china immersion programme assisted in making me almost sleeping...damn chim sia...didnt understand much of it...sad case...whereas xj's grasp of science is so pro tt he could actually rebut mr ng's provided ans! haha talking abt a clash of the science whizzes.. well xj can either gorw up to be a scientist or become MR EE HAN SIONG VERSION 2! haha...well he could already imitate his voice to almost being similiar

so after tt got training ... lol kena saboed by the whole part b's to be IC... i said flight...hmm...its tt wrong? company? but part c not there? and part b only got 1/2? hmm... attendance was almost full on today! whee! lolso not much difficulty faced in reporting in... then got pds...was timer again...woah my throat is fast-recovering! and being the timer seemed to have helped in my recovery? weird...its simply incredulous and ironical sia... dunnoe mayb it might b due to other reasons as well... oh well then execute the pds drills..was trying very hard to recall the steps...therefore slowly i nvr shout the timing for the execution liao...sry guys... and another incident.. IC jared punished us to run the 3 rnds... i have a feeling tt it was me who cause the punishment (sheepishly) i couldnt keep my rifle straight after the whole execution of the drills at times, it was rather slanted and tilted... sry dudes...then changed back into full no.3 for CP...was 1st dun have rayner with rayner arnd hope de..haha..he is imba! then after the training feel damn dehydrated sia...during all water breaks didnt go drink..haha slowly got headache also...endured for the remaining time of training...wasnt tt bad... then damn funny... the NPCC said "Run like the wind!" then their cadets replied " Wooosh!" haha damn funny i didnt realise it until javince told me during the changing of uniform.. haha woosh..hehe

tmr got i am supposed to distribute balloons? lol then nighttime still got band concert... at victoria concert hall again...then next week heard tt also got CO concert


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