
Sunday, May 11, 2008

worn out

sad case..friday and saturday all so packed... for more than abt 35 hrs, i wasnt at home...friday morning go school, afternoon n air training, night chiong to musical.. saturday morning aeromodelling, afternoon slack abit at grand stand...abt point going home...night go musical for ushering duties... whatsmore, i am sick on both days...seldom do i fall sick and have severe sore throat... sore throat occasionally wil have..but not severe ones... when i fall sick, it normally comes with sore throat...

then on both days...i was timer for quite long for training...with severe sore throat..haha nvm...after shouting for so long on friday, it actually soothed my throat! incredible...i no longer felt much pain when i swallowed my saliva...but i couldnt breathe much...during pt had difficulty breathing due to my sore throat...oh well and i finally fall out when i felt like fainting...sad case...tis was the 1st time i fall out during training...i felt like fainting...partially due to my difficulty in breathing while partially due to tt fact...then ic benedict like tio shocked...asked me why i still continue with training when i am sick... coz i endured...then he said on any circumstances, when cadets are sick, they nid to seek consent with the ncos on whther they can take the pt... didnt noe abt tis fact..or did anyone mention tis? oh well , all the others had fall out straight away at the start of training when they sick, but i wasnt feeling too sick...juz a headache, severe sore throat and feeling a bit warm arnd my whole body.. and wadsmore, i have no MC! i tried my best to endure throughout the whole thing, thus i have no regrets..juz abit sad... then weijie said not counted for having fever or sustaining injuries... oh well at least tts a consolation...then ic brian seah said i look damn sick and pale...advised me to see though i have the time...nvm..

then on saturday...was timer again...keep rotating with abra and daniel when the ICs said change timer... but they noticed it after a short while...oh well we were trying to help the others...but they always kept away from being timer...oh well.. we cant be helping them forever... then learn new drill..not really new la..for the 6 of us who went to the NDP in school...but we had forgotten parts of it also..then aeromodelling the ICs had to proceed to we practised on our own... from arnd 9 to 11.20...senior sui peng came arnd our practice.. after tt we slacked abit until ic yonghwee came back at arnd 12..did cnc..then flew again... oh ya and somebody quitted n air.. sad case...and i tink another would also quit...or mayb even more... haiz... training is meant to be hiong to train our fitness... if not, why did we join tis cca initially ? u always say coz i different, but i am not... i could still remember.. during our trial which we took to get into n air, ur were even faster than me by half a rnd! and my timing ended up very sucky also... so we shuld all work hard together to bring glory to CHS NCC AIR... not take a step back after every setback tt we faced...our worst enemies are ourselves...we muz learn to conquer our own fear and every setback tt we faced... and i am learning it myself...on every brand new day...there is a new hope for better things...but we faced setbacks on everyday... life is nvr a bed of roses... we shuld nvr blame anything or anyone ...i had loads of fears too, i aint invulnerable as i had shown during friday's training when i finally fall out.. i am disappointed with tis setback too, but i am determined to improve myself... and i certainly hope i will be able to do so, juz like i hope all of us would be able...

oh well, now to the musical...chiong to S11 with haoquan to eat after training...met xi jie there, we finish eating then he come...while he ate we changed to school uni... then boarded the train met the class joker zhe hong...haha he looked damn cute and funny...wearing garfield t-shirt... then he looked damn relieved when he saw me...thought he was late...then said it would be alright to be late with vice-chair...zzz...say i would help him take all the scoldings if we were all late...haiz..this kind of ppl...jkjk hehe..nobody could bare to b angry with zhe hong for too long..he nvr fails to make us laugh...juz looking at his face, u would laugh..HAHA no offense zhe hong...aint insulting u..the class likes u, but u simply talks nonsense often at the wrong reach the concert hall and went inside at 7.45... the musical was dennis leong had lived up to his expectaions and reputation once again...the songs were gud also...composed by he himself? not sure abt tt.. and heard tt jordan was the designer of that choir t-shirt...well congrats if u were really the was quite nice...then went home and saw wee yeong and jin hong on the train...finally reached home at 11...tio scolded by mum for nth...well tts her favourite pastime...i am always reprimanded for stupid stuffs...

then next morning argued with her over a major thing...almost proved to be costly as i was almost late for training...oh well...she gets agitated and angry easily over trivial matters...then had training...ate lunch then went back to school to sleep at grand stand...until 3... was woken up by the ICs...if not might juz have overslept..thxs... then do abit of homework which we were not told to do... then at arnd 4.30 went to see giant clock of the school as my handphone's batt had gone proceeded to city hall..reach the concert hall at 5...met terrence at the sir stamford raffles statue there..cant believe my eyes sia...i nvr knew the statue was there...juz tt i knew it was at a place called victoria something...and terrence was supposed to have scouts until 5! he was actually earlier than me? then he told me he left early...and we stoned there...with no knowledge tt the other ushers had gone in the backdoor at arnd 5.20..but yong xiang managed to let us in...the ushering duty was chaotic...shall not elaborate further...then watch the musical again..then went home...reach home at arnd 10.30...ran all the way home from the mrt staion like a mad man...hehe tts why managed to reach home 1/2 an hr b4 yesterday

worn out completely...tired...but it wasnt too bad...rather enjoyable...well going to sleep liao...tink tis is the longest ever post tt i had typed..1096 words...including tis sentence :)


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