
Wednesday, May 7, 2008


beginning to regret some decisions... when CMC asked for volunteers for ushering musical on saturday, nobody raise their hands... most say got tuition and some cca.. (i got cca) then they say it only require us to go at night, and they assured me... so they pestered me to go (alan and irwin).. then i agree, since they assured me tt it wun clash with aeromodelling...

then rehearsal for everbody involved in musical, including ushers... dennis leong said we r required to report to plaza at 11.30am.... zzz damn irritating, after so much assurances, it turns out tt we r required of our service in the morning as well... so have to leave training early again... pondered to back out from musical ushering but leong said tht there will be disciplinary actions taken to those who backed out after agreeing to the terms at 1st... diao... SO DAMN IRRITATING!!! i hate having to leave training early... i have never liked it..

beginning to hate CMC abit.... the things that they assured us... always ended up clashing with ncc training... they always seem to think we r only consisted of choir and sports ppl (choir made up more than 1/2 of sec 2s CMC)... then always call us to leave early from cca... their activities doesnt interest me much either... always include walking arnd almost aimlessly and alot of admin stuff...

class also... sijian always seem to be busy with other stuff, if not have to take leave early for he gets ill easily and have to solve family affairs also... its almost like a 1 man job for numerous occasions... at the start of the year when he approached me saying he had put my name... he promised tt i wun have to do much, mainly admin stuffs for collecting things... now it has extend to so much areas...oh yea gg and gl for him... he juz made leong damn unhappy.. said he got headache and left early thus not going for musical rehearsal...he has already been dropped from the role of lead character long ago..

if in the future got things from cmc, i tink i better reject without hesitation... juz like vincent...and they might juz ask for ushers for band and co concert, and CHMA also.. better reject upon being asked...

tis whole week and nice is gonna be damn hiong... friday training then musical... saturday aeromodelling and ushering.. tuesday SLB investiture rehearsal ... wednesday SLB investiture..
almost everyday going home at arnd 9-10... haiz cmc... mayb i shuldnt take up the role of CM OR VCM next yr if given the chance... it always clashes with cca..haiz

still got homework sia... they did journal during LE which all the student leaders missed due to musical rehearsal..and they passed up liao...YIKES...only a few hours left to complete it...nid to pass up by tmr 7 am...


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