
Monday, October 27, 2008

Part B Leadership Camp 2008

tis camp was great! we learnt loads of things, qualities and skills... all abt planes, GSK,First Aid. How to b a leader, try to make the best decision in a situation, sentry duty! Most of us came into tis camp tinking tt it would b a damn hiong camp... but we were proven wrong as the NCOs stayed true to their word of not wanting to waste our or their time doing unnecessary and excessive pumpings or other punishments, but instead making full use of the time to learn as much as possible.. but of course, there were still times where we pumped alot, especially during the 2nd day's morning... but there were also a few blips and bad things happening (there is nth perfect on earth, but we juz have to minimize the bad ones as much as possible), with some unlucky things happened to beret's Cap Badge finally failed me and broke... lucky i discovered a side of it breaking apart b4 it fell to the floor... and the discovery of a small hole in my no.4 which increased in size at the end of the camp... guessed i gotta buy a new cap badge and a new no.4 pants... the hole is quite big now!

25th Oct (1st day)

we fall in at the track arnd 7.30am and were split up into 5 teams... i was in team 3, which consisted of LWJ, KH, WS, and BA.. i tink we r the group with the least no. of ppl... only 5....we named ourselves Fast and Furious...and the Senior Spec in charged of us was Staff WK with the 2IC being Sgt JT... and Staff YH's team named themselves Better than U... so whenever they tell anyone their group name, they say"We are Better than U.."it was an interesting name :) then after tt i was appointed OIC and JC was 2IC... and the 2 KH, DC and CH were appointed as the QMs for the camp, with our team's KH being the QM of the QMs! so we went back to our bunk and clean it, try our best to standardize everything... but we still missed out a few things... which the NCOs spotted... then after tt had lessons until lunch... Air Syllabus, GSK(General Specialist Knowledge) and First Aid... Air Syllabus had some components which were quite difficult to understand... so were quite panicky abt it as we were gonna take a few tests tt were based on the lessons...XK came juz after the lessons much to RY's delight... so at 1.30pm was field cooking... after which something bad happened... quite a no. didnt bother abt the mess they created... was pissed off... some of them even promised to clean up...but didnt...

then we put back our things and got to class 1-3 again (our LT for the camp) for lessons on planning and organizing camps and trainings, back-up plans and important rules...then we were given abit of time to start planning and doing the assigned task to us.. then at arnd 3 something we went to the track for the IFC mutual this time, JC was appointed OIC, with TH being the 2IC..then i asked for permission to go toilet, Sgt YC told me not to cry in the toilet as JC replaced me as OIC... lol... consisted of 5 stations, with the sentry duty station being the most interesting. got Sgt BS! we are always impressed with the way in which he teach us something... it always manage to attract our attention and he didnt drift way off the topic... so at arnd 5 + when we finished IFCs...and then RC came! one of my best buddy! we had a short TCS and then we were given time to continue our proj and fold back our sleeves... then at arnd 7 we went to canteen to have our dinner... then we went back to our bunks to continue with our proj... and was given another new task... each team was to come up with a skit for the cadets night... well we were doing fine until an unpleasant thing happened.. then we went for our supper at 10 then we got to bath and it was lights out at 12...and we owed 1550 by the end of 1st day.... we thought got hell night, but nth happened...phew... but some of the NCOs came up to our bunks to steal our dummy rifles.... and i was 1 of the victims...sad case... i placed mine in the sleeping bag... hiding it like i did during annual camp... but still tio stolen... ws said coz could see abit of the shape of said he managed to wake up juz in time to see Sgt RX and Sgt GL to shine their torchlights at my face... imagine tt... i didnt even notice and wake up.... i slept too soundly for my own when i wake up only to ws telling me my rifle got stolen... imagine tt... a disastrous news to start off the 2nd day...sad case... was depressed abt it...

26th Oct (2nd day)

changed into half 4 and fall in at track at 6.30 am....11 of us out of 27 lost our rifle...sad case... then LWJ conducted PT which was tiring but still manageable...did pull-ups to clear the 1550..then we did circuit but failed to meet the time limit of 15 mins... so we pumped 50...then we ran to the track to fall in but failed to meet the time limit and pumped another 50... then we gone up the bunk and took our utensils and fail to meet the 5 mins tt SGt WX gave we pumped another 50... so in total we pumped 150 in such a short span of time....then we had footdrills mutual lessons and then we got to practise...tis took a long time as footdrills mutual was an activity tt needed alot of time... and tis would b to prepare us for spec course next yr...there are alot of things tt we need to rmb for our mutual and the sequence of it.... much more than at arnd 11.. we had to go to the LT for a lecture by Sir QX... and by tis time, TH took over as OIC with LWJ being 2IC....the lecture by Sir was an interesting an enriching 1.... even though there are risks in everything tt we do, we have to analyse the situation and look for the risk lvl and if it is high, we shuld not do it... then Sir gave us another interesting situation...tis one was really taught us loads of things and qualities tt we shuld keep in our mind...

after tis, we had field cooking once more which was not as disastrous as the 1st once as once bitten, twice shy, we dare not commit the same mistakes again...then we went to the LT once more to present our proj... i muz say everybody had done well for each of their tasks except for mayb the fun camp as they attempted to b too ambitious... but they did try their best oso...then at arnd 4 pm, we had a surprise activity for us, Laser Quest! wheeeee tis was extremely fun! it was pretty much like CS but in real life! we were split up into 4 groups, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta...i was in Charlie group together with CWJ, JM,KS,DH,HQ and Sgt BS.. the 1st mission we did not plan anything so it was pretty much in a mess and i was facing off mainly with VG, my great friend and Sgt Maj.. and i believe i came out tops among the 3 of us...weee...then we emerged victorious with 18 frags to their 12 frags... so we went baack to the assemble area where Sir Goh told us our mistakes and the ways to after tt the whole part juz got smarter and the gameplay was getting even better! so the 2nd mission was to appoint a VIP which is the most important guy who could make all the difference in the match...the VIP has to touch the response box at the other base to gain 5 frags while a death to the VIP would mean 3 deaths to his grp... and the 4 VIPs are BA,JC,me and AM respectively for each group.. and i was the most successful! weee...we had a lot of teamwork for tis match...we deployed a 4-men attack and a 3 men defence... well starting they were too offensive so we were very defensive...all 7 off us were at our base... with me being well protected and hidden but JM and DH friendly fired me each.... and JC shot me another time... so i was left with 1 life b4 i die once... so we maintained tis and JC was gungho.. he made alot of attempts to reach our base but was killed mostly juz when he was reaching... i was hiding upstairs with my trusty Uzzy...then near the end of the game, i was struck one more time so i finally died once.... so tis was it... it was my turn to make the diff... i was revived and chiong to their base, outrunning a few of them who were running back to revive... and my guards were blocking me well enuf so i was shot thrice b4 i touched their box and was killed so i jogged back to b revived... and started my 2nd attck once again with the cover from the 4 men attck which had KS leading, DH and HQ... but HQ pretty much MIAed... and defended... so i chionged and outran them again doing james bond style and leaping up to their base with my left hand lifting me up the big step... and i touched their box 1 final time and the game ended.. it was great! we beat them with 40 frags and JC touched our box thrice which make it 25 frags for us while we they had 33 frags while i touched thier box twice to make it only 23 frags for them :) so we won by the narrowest of margin..only by 2 frags... with JC making 7 attempts and 3 successes... and i made 2 attempts succeeding in both... we had a great and thrilling time doing the Laser Quest and after tt we went back to our bunk and bathed to prepare for our dinner and Cadet's Night....By then, LWJ had took over as OIC, with VG as 2IC..

our Cadet's Night was a success... with interesting and lame skits to entertain all of us... and to top it off, BA reporting his everyday life and the interests and ppl in his life... but halfway through his talk we were diamed as we were getting noisy and pressurized B...oh ya b4 the cadets' night, the NCOs tried to kidnapped KR but luckily our QM,KH spotted them and reported it to the OIC, LWJ... so our QM saved the day or we would have been in deep trouble... so we learnt another important thing through tis also, which was to take notice of our fellow cadets presence and to ensure everybody's safety and presence.... then after tis we had sentry duty whereby we were given 3 jobs to choose: Sentry, guards or OP... i chose guard with RC and so we were the guards for 1st shift... nth much happened during our shift juz tt the sentries of our shift had succeeded! with only JM surviving! we r proud of u man! well when it was time for 2nd shift, RC rested while i continue to help RY and 3 guards are safer than 2... but JCZY was ganged by 5 NCOs... and so he and RY died and we surrendered... as i was of the 1st shift, i decided to take RY's place and go to POW with JCZY.... Sgt E said the POW is very gud... got 100 PLUS and biscuits... and we get to sleep... yea right... so when we got there...there was indeed 100 PLUS with plain water filled to its brim.... and in order to sleep, we have to do incline pull-ups on an exceptionally high incline pull-up bar! wonder where did the NCOs managed to find it... 20 pull-ups to earn ourselves 20 mins of sleep... so 1 pull-up for 1 min of was very strict for the 1st 3hrs... 1am to 4am... but until 4am, we were dead and KOed so Staff YL was kind enuf to let us sleep... and at 5 am, we were allowed to go back to our bunk as the 3rd shift had done too badly and all of them were killed too fast.... so we were released with a choice of helping them.. so a few of us decided to help them while the rest go and sleep.. i went back to our bunk and lied on my sleeping bag and was fast asleep almost immediately...

27th Oct (3rd day)

we woke up and our QMs helped us prepare our breakfast and then after having our breakfast, we took a lot of tests tt were based on the Air Syllabus, GSK and FIrst Aid... well i tink the Air Syllabus one killed me... so after finishing all the numerous papers, we went back to clean up our bunk and pack up... then we return our rifles...and Staff gave us the certs for the courses and CIPs tt we went for and then we had a debrief before we were finally dismissed... well this is the last camp tt we had attended as cadets... and i believed tt all of us had learnt loads from Sir A and Sir QX, and also the NCOs. i would like to thnk them, Sir A and Sir QX, all the NCOs and lastly, Sir Goh, Sir Teo and Mdm...It was an interesting and enriching camp where we learnt to take up the roles of leaders and organise ourselves...

well, i juz wrote, oh no i mean typed 2334 words, not including tis sentence :) doubt anyone would read the whole thing..and this is my longest post! weee


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