
Tuesday, May 27, 2008


i can feel that i am getting sick again...zzz... my whole family getting sick once my mother is the main suspect...she is the only 1 that nvr recovered the last mayb she spread the flu to us again....oh my nose is alright... but my head and throat...haiz... tis holidays is full of assignments also....

1. Maths Proj
2. Maths Assignment (not up yet...even though JT posted tt its up liao...where izzit if it is?)
3. Chinese 2 jian bao, 1 zhong he tian kong
4. LE Biography or Portfolio
5. LE Compre and Summary
8. Proj Work Proj
7. SANA assignment

maths proj and proj work quite chim...especially proj work... ng mun leong give until our schedule and deadline damn tight...then jordan and fart fart down there kiao basically only me, jian hong and xi jie doing....zzz...fart fart talk so much always say until he like MVP...always full of excuse....then we did a little mistyake he blast at us....diao...tink u big we scared of u ah? (ok we r really kinda afraid of his size... HAHA) getting really irritated...always give empty promise... say he will send all his research results and outcome to us latest by saturday... the day after the last day of school...and now is already tuesday... later we asked him he will come up with excuses..confirm de...most probably tt he have to attend something...yeah yeah everyday attend buffet? haiz...nvm have already try to keep away from him as much as i can...

well on a lighter note...i tink i have at least improve in PDS! WOHOO! i can do a wave which look like 1 and pretty much like wad IC jared do...and my brain noes all the drills liao...only tt the timing of some of it still pretty much confusing for me...and my steps arent tt SANA was pretty much enjoyable but i have the stupid headache which persistently troubled me....zzz...irritatinghaiz and camp is coming up! argh better pray hard tt my headache goes away quickly...


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