
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Aeromodelling Instructor Course

finally! i am back! from the 2nd ever AIC held.. whew... b4 the course i was abit doubting myself whether can pass it anot.. and especially after the 1st day of the camp... Sir Alvin seriously shattered my confidence... nvm he shattered our whole flying circle's confidence... until like almost the end of the flying session for the 1st day... and yay me! got 2 new badges now :) lol got the new 1 tt only the current Part A's have also.

throughout the whole course, the daytime and sunlight was like damn precious... we were always flying during the daytime, non-stop until the sun sets... so it was like morning fly, 12 noon lunch, then fly again until 6, then dinner, afterwhich was always the tests... b4 the whole course started, they were trying to intimidate us.... like trying to say tt the passing mark was like damn high.. but in the end they moderated the Basic Line Control test marks :)

well through tis course learnt a few new friends.. mainly Lenz and Wei Chong from ACS(I)... at 1st when 1st saw Lenz was like damn familiar, then found out tt he was part of their Orienteering Team tt beat the 5 of us and snatch the Gold away from us... zzz.. and Wei Chong also, but i didnt find him tt familiar...the 3 of us were like unable to fly during 1st day, even if we do, we were like quite unstable... hmm, mayb Sir Alvin pressurize us to but 2nd day, we gotta thnk our lucky stars tt we got Sir Chris! he was like damn gd! under him, everybody could fly completely, our confidence was sky-high! then we were even able to fly the Instructor way in a few mins of practice! ok mayb not the Unity Sec, well they juz came back from the PTI course. oh ya speaking of PTI course, JT said he saw IL and BA... but we didnt see Senior SP or Senior W! instead i saw SSG JK during lunchtime... mayb tt time only had the N Land Cadet trainee Officers... oh and i saw Darren Lim's bro! his face didnt change after 4 yrs! still the same liddat... then when all the Instructors from the 1st AIC knew which school was i from, they always ask me whether our CSM was Sgt Maj Ben and tt our ASM was Staff WK... dunnoe why either... and there was a SSG in our course... i tink his the USM of St Gab's.. and he was from the Pri side of our school... and he knew Staff WK and YL too...

ah got 2 badges from tis course, not bad not bad... i finally managed to fly properly! wee! and Sir Shamsul came too! he had a kind side after all! then juz now came home at 3.30p.m... then at 5p.m my mum still forced me to go swimming lesson... sad...

and 2 days later will b OAL camp... better cut my hair tmr, if not later GKY screw us...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

2-6 Chalet!

tis few days nvr go on9 much, in fact almost nvr... so sad... juz came back from chalet and tmr nid to go off for aeromodelling camp again... sad, cant even spend a few days more with my friends... could only go on 1st day and leave at night... so morning went meet up with WK,JH,SJ,and CH. to buy some stuff, ok not some, but the remaining stuffs...which was a lot! then when we reach there, i had to carry 6 1.5 litres bottles to the chalet! 6 x 1.5=9! so 9 kg! woah.. bloody heavy + my shoe bag... then dunnoe why for some reason WK walked so fast... mayb coz he much more big-sized as compared to me. so carried the stuff to the chalet, quite exhausted already... juz ask jes lol... he was laughing away at me...

then at the chalet learnt to play a poker card game,Bridge... not bad... for a beginner lol... win quite alot... lol DO damn funny... he was also a beginner... but after i learnt it he then come... so i knew he was my partner, and we were already winning... left like 1 set then win liao... when i cheered, he scolded then when i finally won it, he said "Shit!" lol then i shook his hands and told him we had won it and tt i was his partner... u shuld see his face... mouth agape... staring blankly at me, tio stunned... funny guy..

then evening go play volleyball... until finally arnd dinner... play mahjong.. thought it was gonna b damn diff from wad i learnt, but it wasnt! and i won quite a lot! lol.. like almost 7? out of like 20? not bad not bad... then Yuan lao shi came ard 8.45p.m... she kept saying we have grown much taller... have we? and surprisingly she doesnt noe how to play mahjong. she tinks its 谋财害命, 慢性自杀. lol then DL said smt damn funny... like it can help amnesia or 老人痴呆症... then he even say tt ppl old liao, not much time and life left... lol damn funny... next moment he realized tt he had spoken smth offensive and immediately apologized... haiz then finally like 9.30p.m, went home with DN... it was quite sad to leave the chalet( we werent the 1st, BT was much earlier, ok 1 hr earlier..) ppl bade gdbye to us... and YF was damn funny... we had walked out from the chalet then he shout my name. and obviously i replied "What?" and he shout bye bye... lol damn funny... like a kid bidding gd bye to a great friend, with the prospect of nvr seeing him again. haiz but it was damn sad to leave... and came home at arnd 10.45p.m juz now.

well the success of the chalet was all due to the credit of WK,JH,MT,SJ,DC and XK. especially WK and JH... hmm.... i tink WK did alot for our class, if he werent in our class, i seriously doubt whether we could be able to do some things... and do a job as gd as he had done for us. thxs alot! and of course the others too!

and tmr got aero course liao... not bringing hp with me... so bear with me if i dun reply ur smses over the next 3 days. and its almost 12 now! arghh.. still haven packed finished yet... although its almost done... but still, *faints*... bb..

Saturday, November 22, 2008

CIP at bishan park

lol was slightly freaked out at 1st when i reached the venue stated... there was nobody! well not our fault, the details tt she give was too vague (cant blame her, she is busy preparing their wedding haha)... but little did we expect tt she wun turn up for the CIP...zzz.... but luckily i managed to find the correct place in the end...

well basically the CIP is abt taking the walk with the elderly and to interact with them.. but we didnt do, much interaction lol... but we juz answed queries made by them... they damn curious abt our school sia. so the walk, the few of us juz pretty much keep talking... we mainly juz talked abt next yr... our classes... as next yr gonna b very cham again... well next yr will b more towards the academic side than CCA... tis yr was more on CCA... though its the streaming yr. coz we heard tt in sec 3, majority of the student population will fail or flunk a few subjects... tts damn scary... i havent fail 1 b4, and i dun plan to break tt record any time sooner, or better still maintain tt record all the way... and it will b a difficult 1... sigh...

CIP tmr

damn it.. i ve got so little CIP hrs... others got so much more... so no choice tmr muz go CIP...

well today got the aeromodelling pre-course again... and today it juz sucked... the whole aero centre like filled with glue.. got the stench of it.. then today also keep using glue and epoxy... zzz our tail wing simply couldnt stick to the plane.... dunnoe why also... stick liao then come out again.. then juz now came back home head damn dizzy.. which i suspect is under the effect of sniffing too much glue... zzz.. even some of the ppl there looked like glue-sniffers lol... now still a bit dizzy.. but at least much better than the time when i juz came home ah.. feel as though the whole world was spinning...

then tis thursday camp ler... alot of ppl say they dunnoe how to fly.. which is a gd sign as i myself also dun really noe... had only like flown 5 times? and all under guidance of Mr Yip. then the Instructors say tt if we really dunnoe how to fly at all will send us home... sounds scary.. but i doubt they mean it... coz if they really do so, i tink they mayb have to send almost the 30 of us home! :(

and by this time the PDS AI course might have ended or ending liao... wonder did they get AI... TH shuld probably get AI, since the HCI ppl also recognise his zainess... but i hope YL will get it too, then we would have 2 AIs!

Friday, November 21, 2008


You are The Lovers

Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.

The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.

Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Open House..

stoning time for me haha... well at 1st did the stickers thingy... but until arnd 3 no more stickers, so DC and I juz practically stoned down there talking mainly abt rubbish... we keep teasing him abt smt... haha.. dont ask wad... and GYH likes to show others tt his zainess lol... always zi kua... but then at some pnt of time will always let slip some kind of mistake in his sentences...

then at 5 at some debrief by Mr JT. well, by the looks of it, he seems, i repeat "seems" as though he will b teaching our class next yr... but mayb my assumption might b wrong, but i dunnoe.. well he hinted tt he would b taking the sports class and another class... then he keep asking arnd to confirm who in my class..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

driving me nuts...

omg... the new no.3 uniform is giving me a torrid time... the cloth is damn hard and thick... pinning on the badges is like torturing me lol... and LWJ still say very gud coz no nid starch as collar very hard liao... but even forcing the pin to go through the cloth also nid so much strength.. well in a sense, the old 1 is much better... ah well... currently only half done lol...

and my ears are hurting now... lol my sis and mom juz had a shouting match lol... SW and Mr Ee.. haha.. but the arguement isnt tt funny... haiz... imagine tt.. i was trying my best to pin the badges, and there they are shouting and hollering at the top of their lungs... there was simply irritating and annoying...

well previously LWJ always had managed to prepare his uniform well.. but come to think of it, ever since he changed to the new 1, he keep having uniform mistakes... haiz most probably he encountered the same probs...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

came back a few hrs ago from aeromodelling again... JT and I were like stoning at 1st at the training centre... seemed as though we were totally forgotten... juz becoz there is no space in the room and tt we have already built the foundations of ours... nvm.. after the pre-course session saw Senior SP and W... thought mayb SSG JK was there too... but didnt see him.

and i juz realised smth... there r not only gonna b 5 sec 2 CMCs in my future class.. its gonna be 7... amazing isnt it? and i can see tt all 6 of them(excluding me) are all quite enthu in CMC.. and quite a majority of them wants to b exco... haha lets see which 2 of them will end up as the chairmen... and quite a no. of my gd friends in 3-6... sad case...and when i mean a few, its double digit...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Results of 09' classes

well well well... 100th post... lol certainly took my time to reach tis mark... more than 1 yr then 100th post... k nvm

went back to school to see results and immediately saw XJ who sprinted towards me (wildly and crazily) asking me why we not same i thought me,him, JT,DL, XK and ZH all will be same class as we chose same combo and had marks tt were quite close..(ok tis point only applies to me JT,DL and ZH) but it wasnt to be... then i saw tt there were 5 chairmen in same class as me too.. (gud tt means i surely wun b 1) and DL was proven correct.. there are gonna b 4 classes of trip science... and then dunno why the whole level also gonna have a new extra class... increased to 3-10...

then throughout the 2 hrs waited for ppl to give money... and watched the N Land parade.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

holiday homework

well i guess there is only 1 assignment for holiday.. and tt is the Commonwealth essay.. and 1 of the topics is abt the beautiful game! wow describe abt it and why izzit getting more popular? hmm i tink gonna do tis... but i seriously doubt whether i can do a gd job on it like the journalists of the various newspapers... especially reuters...

well i guess i will be able to squeeze in some notes abt my favourite clubs and the time when i started watching football... but i am deprived of it now... didnt subscribe to starhub... sry! i too poor u noe... so the last time i ackually watch 1 was like 5 mths ago... Euro 08... sad case... juz wish it would rewind back to the late 90s... when there was live football telecasted from England... and i still rmbed the programme's name: "The Big Match"! lol the name sounds too simple and weird... it would always show the match of the week.. normally the rivalries... ah i missed it so much...nvm..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Aeromodelling 1st Pre-course

finally... i gotta wash my no.4 pants.... i thought yesterday the aeromodelling might nid it, so brought it along with me....

so yesterday when reached HQ, saw a lot of CLTs... dunnoe wads going on... at 1st thought we wore the wrong attire... but later saw their rank, so cant b... i thought mayb some kind of briefing for the CLTs-to-be as i heard the 56th CLT is coming soon... but they were already CLTs!

then morning was the same lecture tt our NCOs went through wif us during Leadership Camp... Principles of Flight... but the Sir went on to elaborate alot on it... made sure we understand the concepts quite well...

then later on went to the aeromodelling training centre to build a plane... got the news tt Capt Shamsul will not b here as he had gone to serve his NS juz recently... heard tt RY? lol he didnt really like Capt Shamsul...

and we were released at 12!!! the schedule tt Sgt BY gave me said it would b at 4.... guess the schedule was really cocked up... saw so many mistakes on it....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Final Day of HCI Basic PDS Course

well i finally got to know a few friends.after the test tt is, wad use is tt? lol... got 2 MSGs.. juz tt they havent get their rank yet, so they are Staffs... the CSM and ASM of Yuhua... i couldnt believe it at 1st... lol.. their PDS is so so la.. but they say they perform for the school b4... yet they dun really noe all the basic 19 drills? weird..mayb they do freestyle..also then there was the other 2 from Chung Cheng... lol jokers... they noe only rotation and vincent toss of the advanced drills... so weird, its like noeing the hardest 1s 1st... they say they learn from watching in fact he said their school all learn from watching videos... but their drills are still quite zai.. but they call their Rotation Arm as Pot Spin? sounds weird. so got their hp no.

then when we did the practical test in front of the sirs, we were quite ok.. but i screwed up abit of slapping arm... almost did the tapping instead of the wave... (to into NDP performance) the theory test was ok too, except mayb for the naming of ppl from other schools part... TH wrote SSG JK... i didnt noe we could write the name of the instructors...

oh ya, and today we "learnt" Marine Salute. very different from ours.

well is the last day tt i see HCI.. will i ever see it again? doubt so.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

2nd day...

went through "new" drills... slapping arm different from ours. from wad they say... the slapping arm has juz been modified... so yea... it doesnt require u to slap the rifle now...u juz nid to pretend to do so... going by swiftly and really close. and momo arm also slightly diff from ours. then i also realized why my dragontoss always cant seem to do the jerking well enuf during the recovery... ok or rather, is the AI from HCI who noticed it. so me and TH corrected alot of our drills quite a bit..although Th wanted to stick to the old 1s as much as possible... as he already as achieved zai status liao mah! why change so much of it when u r already so gd? ok pipa and mortar arm i also managed to improve on them... i used to use my elbow to the rifles... and Sgt JT also said it was damn ugly... ok coz we were taught tt way previously as using elbows assist in the executing part. but not anymore! i slap it now! lol...

and i notice how Seniors SP and J, and also Staff WK are quite well known among other schools. 1 of the AIs said he knew them, and previously during the PDS selection test, another AI also claimed he knew them... he was puzzled tt we came for the course since we already noe the drills, well we were a bit puzzled at the start too... but i finally understand why Staff WK thought it would enhance our knowledge of PDS. well tmr will b the last day of the course, but not much rest for me either... straight away after tmr have aeromodelling... lol not much like a holiday isnt it?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

1st day of Hwa Chong Basic 19 Drills Course

well basically, we r learning the same old drills again... but certain drills the AIs at Hwa Chong taught them differently and execute it differently too... i gotta say tis... those schools tt are damn zai in PDS, they seem to b going towards juz the precise part....not much of gracefulness u might say, tt we seemed to emphasize much more... but mayb tts why thier PDS seemed better than us. juz like Deyi Sec... they amazed us with their coordination but well, the way they do it, seem like they were lifeless creatures... zombie-liked... but i gotta agree with 1 thing tt the HCI Sirs said, juz do it sharply and b precise... well we r doing our drills sharply too... but mayb we cared too much abt gracefulness..

when u 1st see how the HCI execute it, it seems abit too simple... but mayb simple is the key to performing well...there isnt much fancy stuff tt i expected... i thought mayb their wave will be a bit like ours, but it was like totally different!

but they way they taught, i understood why i ve been confused over certain drills then end up confused in everything... well although TH felt it was quite a waste of his time (as he didnt really like how the HCIs execute it differently from us), but i beg to differ.. the 1st part of Sungfoo tt they thought, i felt it was quite cool. but the 2nd wave wasnt as exciting as ours. ours is like a totally exaggerated version, but its quite nice. and when every single time we go back to slope arm, we were taught to flick our hand b4 cutting it outwards. well theirs is simply put ur hand completely straight, juz parallel to the floor.. dunnoe why i felt tt things were abit clearer when i dun flick my hands... i used to b unable to catch up timing in the end, so i always end up rushing. But i am still flicking my hands at times, coz its already etch in my mind! its how i have always been doing PDS! ok mayb i might change to the HCI style but provided i manage to clear the "flicking" part off my mind.

and i felt the Sirs did a very gd job in teaching us too.. we learnt quite quickly but i tink tis is due to the fact tt they have 5 AIs teaching us..

lol when we 1st walked into the school, my impression was damn big... very impressed but very lost also...ack.. lucky we spotted 1 of the sirs, or we might nvr have assembled in the right area! when we reach there, the HCI cadets were like showing off... pump 150 in front of us... ok beside us... but we in diam position how to see or peek at their real power? but they could ask for permission to adjust while pumping? wad for?juz pump lar, why nid ask permission adjust? and every time its 20 sec adjust... i dunnoe why... they juz hold for another 20 secs in pumping position, isnt tt worse? but some of their traditions quite cool also... but in a way, it make them seemed like our school's NPCC... well mayb even more disciplined... but also got some weird traditions.. like the part when u draw rifles... the 1st guy gotta stand out and holler at their store greeting the highest ranked person in the room. then everybody have to shout out their rank and name 1 by 1... and then the guy says "permission to draw out Mark IV rifles." woah its juz dummy rifles, why say until Mark IV? and their store is damn big as compared to ours! and they even have a bunk for their cadets to change in and put their stuff! tts incredible! of all their UGs, the NCC is like damn priviledged..

during the training, all their cadets seem so disciplined and respected thier seniors a lot.. but after training it seemed to b a completely diff story.. they seemed too friendly with their seniors... dunnoe mayb its juz me who tink tis way...

oh and finally saw a damn zai AI in full action... woo damn hot! he did rotation arm, then jumbo then did a rising sun so fast tt it was in a blur! then he repeat tis sequence like 4 times...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Failed PDS AI Selection Test...

sad case... but congrats to TH and YL! they passed it and will b going for the AI course! so tt might hopefully make it 2 AI for our part! lol got 1 school super coordinated but look like zombies... but to get tt coordinated, i muz say i m impressed... so when going home tt time met a few more ncc land de... 6-8 bah... and they were holidng red,orange and white PT Kit... tt only means 1 thing... Hwa Chong! lol the zai kias came when we go... ah well... LWJ seemed damn demoralised, devastated and saddened... well i guess he had very high hopes and wanted to get AI very badly... nvm! cheer up dude! it aint the end of the world!

sad man... even though i didnt get selected for AI course... i still muz go for the Hwa Chong Basic 19 drills course...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Streaming Results

yesterday went to HQ to change no.3 uniform, no.4 pants and get a new cap badge... they went through thick and thin with me over the past 2 yrs and have finally break down... sad... (lol i make them sound like machinery...) ok LWJ make me wait damn long but nvm, coz he taught me a damn short way to going to HQ! instead of looping here and there, spending damn long time to reach there... thxs alot! but he pangseh me after tt... he went home... oh wait... is i pangseh him 1st as my bus came 1st...

ok went back to school... and the 1st thing i heard was the choir... and i saw something damn distinct! lol how can anybody miss the sight of it? its so big! lol(shuld b he... infer)

so went to GO to check results... shocking our class got 23 ppl going triple science! wheee tts alot! oh and some ppl seemed to have change their subj combo and appealed... the whole lvl like only have 26 ppl going combined science... got 2 from n air... so sad and shocking... i thought all the n air from our lvl all hardcore muggers... juz look at those from 2-3.... the!@!@#$#% haha jkjk... their results are super zai... 2-3 and 2-5 are the only classes with nobody going to combined science... too zai liao.... and from wad i heard from DL, there are gonna b 4 classes of triple science for our lvl next yr... wow tts alot... mayb its the most in our school's history!