
Friday, November 7, 2008

Final Day of HCI Basic PDS Course

well i finally got to know a few friends.after the test tt is, wad use is tt? lol... got 2 MSGs.. juz tt they havent get their rank yet, so they are Staffs... the CSM and ASM of Yuhua... i couldnt believe it at 1st... lol.. their PDS is so so la.. but they say they perform for the school b4... yet they dun really noe all the basic 19 drills? weird..mayb they do freestyle..also then there was the other 2 from Chung Cheng... lol jokers... they noe only rotation and vincent toss of the advanced drills... so weird, its like noeing the hardest 1s 1st... they say they learn from watching in fact he said their school all learn from watching videos... but their drills are still quite zai.. but they call their Rotation Arm as Pot Spin? sounds weird. so got their hp no.

then when we did the practical test in front of the sirs, we were quite ok.. but i screwed up abit of slapping arm... almost did the tapping instead of the wave... (to into NDP performance) the theory test was ok too, except mayb for the naming of ppl from other schools part... TH wrote SSG JK... i didnt noe we could write the name of the instructors...

oh ya, and today we "learnt" Marine Salute. very different from ours.

well is the last day tt i see HCI.. will i ever see it again? doubt so.


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