
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

1st day of Hwa Chong Basic 19 Drills Course

well basically, we r learning the same old drills again... but certain drills the AIs at Hwa Chong taught them differently and execute it differently too... i gotta say tis... those schools tt are damn zai in PDS, they seem to b going towards juz the precise part....not much of gracefulness u might say, tt we seemed to emphasize much more... but mayb tts why thier PDS seemed better than us. juz like Deyi Sec... they amazed us with their coordination but well, the way they do it, seem like they were lifeless creatures... zombie-liked... but i gotta agree with 1 thing tt the HCI Sirs said, juz do it sharply and b precise... well we r doing our drills sharply too... but mayb we cared too much abt gracefulness..

when u 1st see how the HCI execute it, it seems abit too simple... but mayb simple is the key to performing well...there isnt much fancy stuff tt i expected... i thought mayb their wave will be a bit like ours, but it was like totally different!

but they way they taught, i understood why i ve been confused over certain drills then end up confused in everything... well although TH felt it was quite a waste of his time (as he didnt really like how the HCIs execute it differently from us), but i beg to differ.. the 1st part of Sungfoo tt they thought, i felt it was quite cool. but the 2nd wave wasnt as exciting as ours. ours is like a totally exaggerated version, but its quite nice. and when every single time we go back to slope arm, we were taught to flick our hand b4 cutting it outwards. well theirs is simply put ur hand completely straight, juz parallel to the floor.. dunnoe why i felt tt things were abit clearer when i dun flick my hands... i used to b unable to catch up timing in the end, so i always end up rushing. But i am still flicking my hands at times, coz its already etch in my mind! its how i have always been doing PDS! ok mayb i might change to the HCI style but provided i manage to clear the "flicking" part off my mind.

and i felt the Sirs did a very gd job in teaching us too.. we learnt quite quickly but i tink tis is due to the fact tt they have 5 AIs teaching us..

lol when we 1st walked into the school, my impression was damn big... very impressed but very lost also...ack.. lucky we spotted 1 of the sirs, or we might nvr have assembled in the right area! when we reach there, the HCI cadets were like showing off... pump 150 in front of us... ok beside us... but we in diam position how to see or peek at their real power? but they could ask for permission to adjust while pumping? wad for?juz pump lar, why nid ask permission adjust? and every time its 20 sec adjust... i dunnoe why... they juz hold for another 20 secs in pumping position, isnt tt worse? but some of their traditions quite cool also... but in a way, it make them seemed like our school's NPCC... well mayb even more disciplined... but also got some weird traditions.. like the part when u draw rifles... the 1st guy gotta stand out and holler at their store greeting the highest ranked person in the room. then everybody have to shout out their rank and name 1 by 1... and then the guy says "permission to draw out Mark IV rifles." woah its juz dummy rifles, why say until Mark IV? and their store is damn big as compared to ours! and they even have a bunk for their cadets to change in and put their stuff! tts incredible! of all their UGs, the NCC is like damn priviledged..

during the training, all their cadets seem so disciplined and respected thier seniors a lot.. but after training it seemed to b a completely diff story.. they seemed too friendly with their seniors... dunnoe mayb its juz me who tink tis way...

oh and finally saw a damn zai AI in full action... woo damn hot! he did rotation arm, then jumbo then did a rising sun so fast tt it was in a blur! then he repeat tis sequence like 4 times...


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