
Monday, June 2, 2008

back from annual camp...

back from annual camp ler...the pt was hiong, drills ok... mayb pt was hiong as we long time nvr train liao... everybody also not so fit liao...headache for the camp! eeek..tried to endure every single thing lor.

1st activity on the morning we came was away sia...almost everybody felt like vomiting after it....a few of us eventually succumbed to it... i vomited in the toilet after asking for permission to go sad...but headache got better after tt..then went back to fall in for drills com...did cheers and some drills...last yr nvr come for annual camp so didnt noe much of the cheers... haha some of them were damn funny and tt got field cooking ended up doing it in fall-in area...then got 1st aid lecture....2nd day arnd same time got test for 1st aid...eeee..and i tink i flunked it...i heard ic huiyang saying 28/50 damn sad man...then the others keep saying i got 38...say i suan them...diao..i got so free want to suan ur? lol its ur suan me leh...haiz sad man...28.. after 1st aid lecture, it was PDS...scary man...doing the test with Mark4s...then was one of the 1st 3 to b tested...with weijie and toh hong sia...the 2 most zai de... all of us agreed tt they surely going to b pds ai de lor...then it was the test...eeek screwed up some of it....haiz...damn sad...and weijie and toh hong's timing damn struggling to keep up...screwed up like 4 or 5 of the drills haiz...abit struggling to keep rifle straight after each drill..quite sad...then weijie complained tt toh hong was even faster.. lol too zai liao...toh hong makes the mark 4 look damn toh hong got the highest...148/200...simply too zai liao... lol he arm wrestling thrashed everyone of us in n air...then xj come challenge him...woah scary sia...both of the end XJ won! lol..1st defeat for toh hong on tt day...then it was dinner for us..then water bomb...after tt we bath and have our supper...then sleep...

next day supposed to fall-in by 7 am in half no. 4..but we woke up at 6.50 am! argh...the sec 1s abit anti-social man...we asked them qns...they seem damn reluctant to ans us or look at us blankly...haiz and most of the time we were trying to help them...then they woke up at 6.15! they nvr woke us up....sad case...break my heart...haha jkjk..we wake up liao...they already walking down to fall-in...we quickly wore our boots and pants then chiong again...after pt my headache got worse...haiz...damn sad headache for 3 days...sometimes slight headache..sometimes damn bloody pain..after the pt my head felt like it was gonna burst...felt damn sick...but dun have fever...daniel more cham...he felt damn dizzy and giddy and got slight we slowly walk up to bunk to rest....nvr go for drills com..kian hee said it proved costly for if dan and me were there,wouldnt have lose as he bcame and dan both from charlie ...1 hr later we woke up and felt much better...only a slight headache,but dan said he felt damn cold, which obviously indicated he was officially running a fever...but he insisted on getting we went back and fall-in for CnC revision..straight away become IC... then after tt field cooking again..then IFC..the ICs damn funny..shant elaborate...then 1st aid test...haiz...damn sad...after tt CnC test...haha richie damn funny...quite sadistic and scary also..heeehee...come out be IC straight away scold liao eh..."EYE BALL DISCIPLINE!" woah...then diam us report to IC...then shouted 1 of the turning drill...almost all of us turn sia..then he shout" DIAM CAN MOVE IZZIT?" damn impressive man!
he got alot of tricks up his sleeve man, haiz shuld have use some of it damn zai la...but then he himself also looking arnd...haha....him and tai yuan both damn funny...tai yuan always reply his loud qns.....then finally richie went zou yin, tai yuan's immediate reply also zou yin...ahahaha...everybody laughing seizing up drill position somemore, juz b4 dari kenan dua bilang....even IC benedict and yu cheng laughing....richie would have gotten 45 marks which would b highest, if he didnt laugh and do wadeva he told us not to do....hehe...after he completed CnC, ic yucheng gave us 3 mins water break to laugh all we asked for forgiveness from xk...haha coz he keep picking him out during CnC, telling him not to laugh...then after CnC dinner liao...then arm drills... march arnd the school, march until arm abit sore..internal can see a few patches of red dots..haha...then after tt bath and sleep....with our rifles! i placed it in my sleeping bag, which caused confusion in the middle of the night....

i was suddenly woken up by a flash of lights shining into my eyes...then heard toh hong say he lost his rifle...panic whole bunk on the lights searching...then in the end realise its juz beside him...he thought it was mine...but mine was in my sleeping bag we continue sleeping...then wake up for pt...tis was the only tt was not so hiong in our minds....but mainly on pull-ups... then breakfast...after tt clean up our bunk and do reflection which was to write 3 positive things abt each of some of them damn bad...shant elaborate....then besurai lor...everybody got to eat pringles...

oh ya b4 i forget, happy belated birthday haoquan! haha it was on the last day of we sang a birthday song to him on midnight then ic came in at the end of it scolding us for being so noisy and then got to turn off lights

personally, i feel tis camp was not tt bad....but we owe 1600? i thought we gonna do chain pumping at the end luh...but nvm next time mayb ICs come 算账... it was not a fun camp as IMedia ppl keep sayin it was...diao la...xj even call me to play soccer with them in the middle of the night? lol tis camp is not for fun de leh! overall damn disappointed with my performance during pt...tried to endure it...yea managed it...but in the end after tt...haiz...1st pt after tt...vomited was not so bad...but 2nd pt, my headache got so bad tt i couldnt even eat breakfast...might vomit anytime...haiz...then 1st aid test oso...28/50...its quite pathetic man...haiz... 9,10,11 going for silver wing....shant be free during tt period...try not to sms me again during tt period


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