
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

tinking of all the funny things...

tis few months are kinda boring and hardcore...january to may already quite hiong? july to october surely even more cham...both through tis few months, there were also occasional jokes and funny stuffs tt happen.. to ease the tension? oh well, sometimes we tink abt others stuff so much tt we didnt catch the joke...until when we tink abt it again... here goes nth (:

there was a period of time when the weather starts to get damn hot...arnd end of april... then during the LE lesson... our class always give mdm endang probs....damn noisy sometimes... then she finally got irritated again and shrieked(which she does almost every week in our class) :"here i am feeling very hot over here! and there u are talking! not paying attention and looking at me!" lol a few of us were sniggering...haha..but majority didnt get the funny part...and whisper to ask us why we were laughing....

mr ee always finds something to bang it on the table to catch our attention... and it usually must b within his reach... so normally for us it was a block of wood...real thick yet he managed to smash it into half... woah... then the ppl from 2-5 said tt on 1 occasion he tried to catch thier class' attention oso...haha....and the nearest object to him was issac's calculator... heeeehehe....let ur imagination go wild...confirm guess correct de...he broke it into half! haha mr ee offered to give him $20 to keep quiet and to give him the broken calculator...but issac rejected his offer...saying he want to take home to let his mother see.... hhahaha...wondered wad happen in the end sia...

there r some sick 1s which involves mr teo oso! but i shant tok abt those... i dun find those funny much... but zhe hong found it damn funny.... he laugh with his usual contagious laughter which includes a lot of wheezing and coughing... sounds as though he might vomit blood tt kind...


we juz came back from our IMT...our shooting not really very zai... so whole part tio scolded by IC yong liang....he was asking for reasons for not performing well and wad went wrong...javince abit trying to b funny in a sense..."IC! my eye itchy... so i keep scratching my eye for deliberate and snap....then the target disappear..." then ic yong liang ask"did ur butt leave the cheek of ur rifle?" hahaha we didnt manage to stifle our laughter on tis occasion... sry ic...our IMT results were also not tt gud..quite sad...

then during the annual camp...we were having supper...there was a boiler and a few tins of biscuit...then sir teo suddenly asked one of the part a's wad was the purpose of the can?...i dun see any can???!!! then i have a weird feeling tt he was gonna call me out next...and he really call me out...then he asked me the same qn... then i said i dun see any can....was really puzzled...where is the can??!!! then heard ppl murmuring arnd the word "camp"... then it suddenly dawn on me that it was blur sia...

had a gud laugh? no? sad something muz b wrong with u la then... read carefully again... not funny enuf again? then something muz b wrong with my kope tis lame joke from the school musical... almost same style


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